Affordable Housing and Poverty
This is the first of five online People’s Schools on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Affordable Housing in Nova Scotia.
A people’s school starts with the people in the room and provides a space for sharing their knowledge and experience, building awareness (bringing in the new), thinking innovatively and collaboratively, building networks and linkages, and inspiring action.
For this first People’s School, Christine Saulnier, PhD, Director of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives-Nova Scotia, will act as a resource person. She leads the living wage calculations for communities across Atlantic Canada and serves as a co-author of the annual child and family poverty report cards for Nova Scotia.
Upcoming People’s Schools:
- Health Outcomes and Affordable Housing
- Environmental Sustainability and Affordable Housing
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Decolonization and Affordable Housing
- The Role of Municipalities and Affordable Housing
Mar 31, 2022
6:30 PM
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