Circle of Abundance E-Zine

Everything Indigenous is Everything in Abundance

This Ezine has been created to hold and share space so we can share stories, highlight alumnae successes, experiences and learning about life after living through the Circle of Abundance networking at Coady.

August 2022 Issue

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April 2022 Issue

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October 2021 Issue

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News and Events

Jeannine Deveau Education Equity Endowment Fund set to Amplify Celebrity Donation to StFX’s Coady Institute

Jeannine Deveau Education Equity Endowment Fund set to Amplify Celebrity Donation to StFX’s Coady Institute

Every new $1 becomes $2 dollars as fund agrees to match donations | Earlier this week, Coady Institute kicked off a campaign in support of the Institite’s Indigenous programming. Ryan Reynolds’ and Blake Lively’s $200,000 gift launched the campaign. The Jeannine Deveau Education Equity Endowment Fund is now willing to commit $500,000 to Circle of Abundance – Amplifying Indigenous Women’s Leadership by matching dollar-to-dollar Blake and Ryan’s donation and up to another $300,000 to match any new donations.

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Mentor Enthusiastic about Past and Future of Coady’s Indigenous Program

Mentor Enthusiastic about Past and Future of Coady’s Indigenous Program

As with many things, it began with a phone call. For Marie Delorme that phone call came from a colleague 11 years ago and included an invitation to have dinner with Mary Coyle to discuss a concept that led to the founding of Coady’s Indigenous Women in Community Leadership (IWCL) program, which now has more than 144 First Nation, Métis, and Inuit women graduates.

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