An invaluable part of the team at Coady Institute are the student interns who dedicate their summer months to learning, leading, and supporting the work of the Institute. This year we have four students employed across various projects and teams including the Centre for Employment Innovation (CEI), Circle of Abundance, Education Programs, and Marketing and Communications.

Aditi Aditi
Education Programs Intern

Julia Baniak
Circle of Abundance Intern

Kyra Campbell
Marketing and Communications Intern

Nathalie Gatti
CEI Knowledge Curation and Mobilization Intern
“My internship has already introduced me to a diverse group of people from various countries and professional backgrounds. My experience with Coady has significantly broadened my understanding of community development.”
“I’ve learned not to discredit myself as being “only an intern”, while working with participants in the Indigenous Women in Community Leadership program, the most powerful lesson I was taught is that we all are important and we all have a voice that deserves to be heard.”
“Seeing the Pathy Fellow’s incredible projects and their work across communities both within Canada and internationally was inspiring. As a young person myself, witnessing the motivation for social change in the fellows gives me more hope for our future.”
“I have been learning so much about employment and career development. It has been a really inspiring experience. As a recent development studies grad, it is truly inspiring to meet people working in the development and facilitation space in a local context.”
As the Education Programs Intern, Aditi Aditi has been working alongside staff and participants of three on-campus certificates. This year’s cohort includes more than 50 participants from 18 countries globally.
“As a computer science student at StFX, I bring a wealth of expertise from my diverse educational background, including international experience which is particularly beneficial given the large number of international students enrolled in various courses and programs at Coady,” Aditi says.
Aditi has also been working alongside the Strategic Planning Committee to collate and analyze data that will help inform the Institute’s strategy moving forward.
“We reached out to alumni to collect their visions for the future of the Coady Institute over the next five years. Analyzing their feedback was both overwhelming and exhilarating, and I’m grateful for the chance to make a significant contribution.”
Aditi completed a Bachelor of Technology at APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University in India before moving to Canada in 2022 to begin her studies at StFX University. She completed a Post Baccalaureate in Artificial Intelligence in 2024.
After her internship concludes, Aditi looks forward to exploring Canada with her family.
As the Circle of Abundance Intern, Julia Baniak has been working with the Indigenous Women in Community Leadership (IWCL) cohort who completed the first on-campus residency component of the program in June.
“I hope to bring my voice as an Indigenous woman but also as a fellow student,” Julia says.
“The participants and facilitators are all super powerful and inspiring, I’ve truly learned so much from every single one of them.”
During the residency, Paulina Meader, Health Director at the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre, led the group in a water ceremony.
“If I had to choose one highlight, it would have been the water ceremony with Paulina Meader. She’s always super knowledgeable and open minded. It’s so empowering to witness!”
Julia is entering her fourth year at StFX University where she is studying Human Kinetics. She is also the President if the Indigenous Student Society and a member of the women’s rugby team. After her summer internship, Julia looks forward to completing her studies and graduating from StFX.
“I also hope I get to expand on everything I’ve learned in this program and to use it for the rest of my life,” she says.
As the Marketing and Communications intern, Kyra Campbell has been working with Coady’s marketing team to craft and share stories to support the Institute’s mission through written narratives, photography, and video.
“I have been able to sit in on engaging conversations with Coady participants,” Kyra explains. “I have found stories about collective action and the dismantling of hierarchies particularly interesting, as the majority of structures we live and work within continue to be linear.”
Kyra has also been working with the Pathy Foundation Fellowship team to complete background research for future initiatives and document the experiences of the incoming 2024-25 cohort who arrived on campus early July.
“So far, my favourite event has been attending and documenting the Pathy Fellowship poster fair,” they explain. “Seeing the Fellows’ incredible projects and their work across communities both within Canada and internationally was inspiring. As a young person myself, witnessing the motivation for social change in the fellows gives me more hope for our future.”
Kyra completed a Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy and Governance and Development Studies at StFX University in 2023. They are now pursuing a Master of Human Rights at the University of Manitoba.
“After completing my internship, I plan to continue my master’s degree where I am experiencing valuable teachings about international law and non-governmental organizations,” Kyra says.
“Outside of academics, I hope to travel more and document my adventures!”
As the Knowledge Curation and Mobilization Intern with the Centre for Employment Innovation (CEI), Nathalie Gatti has been supporting various CEI initiatives including Communities of Practice and the Centre’s new Knowledge Hub.
“This internship is a great opportunity to develop my writing and research skills in a non-academic context, learn more about employment and how to navigate the employment landscape, meet new people, and learn more about the Nova Scotia Works system,” Nathalie says.
Nathalie’s research with CEI includes topics such as board governance, leadership, organizational culture, youth and young adults, and diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.
“My favourite moments thus far have been the opportunities to meet people working in the Nova Scotia Works system. It has been a really inspiring experience, I’ve learnt so much from all of the conversations, workshops, and co-creation sessions I have participated in,” she says.
Nathalie graduated from StFX University in 2024 with a Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies and Political Science. After her summer internship she will begin a Master of Arts in Global Governance at the University of Waterloo.
“I am really interested in the ways that rights-holder interact with and mobilize against international governance organizations and I’m excited to explore this topic further in a graduate studies environment.”