Marie Michael Library

Livelihoods and Markets


  • Agrilinks, achieving agriculture-led food security through knowledge sharing.
  • Marketlinks shares good practice in inclusive market development.
  • Science Direct, a database of Elsevier journals. (StFX only)
  • SEEP Network, practitioner organizations dedicated to combating poverty through promoting inclusive markets and financial systems.
  • SpringerLink journal database. (StFX only)

Livelihoods and Markets

Cooperatives and Member-Based Organizations


Micro-Enterprise Links

Value Chains


  • Action for Enterprise (AFE) strives to be a global leader, innovator and trainer in reducing poverty through private sector promotion in developing countries.
  • Acumen invests in companies, leaders, and ideas that are changing the way the world tackles poverty.
  • CGIAR, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research.
  • Conservation Agriculture (CA), aims to achieve sustainable and profitable agriculture and to improve livelihoods of farmers.
  • FinDev Gateway, financial inclusion for development.
  • IRIS is a catalog of performance metrics used by a majority of impact investors. It is an initiative of the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing the scale and effectiveness of impact investing.
  • Prolinnova a multistakeholder programme to promote local innovation in ecologically oriented agriculture and natural resource management.
  • La Via Campesina, a movement promoting gender parity and social justice in fair economic relations; preservation of land, water, seeds and other natural resources; food sovereignty; and sustainable agricultural production based on small producers.

General Links