Marie Michael Library
Livelihoods and Markets
- Agrilinks, achieving agriculture-led food security through knowledge sharing.
- Marketlinks shares good practice in inclusive market development.
- Science Direct, a database of Elsevier journals. (StFX only)
- SEEP Network, practitioner organizations dedicated to combating poverty through promoting inclusive markets and financial systems.
- SpringerLink journal database. (StFX only)
Livelihoods and Markets
- Carloni, A. S., & Crowley, E. (2005). Rapid guide for missions: Analysing local institutions and livelihoods: guidelines. FAO.
- Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, a range of information on doing business in Canada including Canadian programs supporting business.
- Market systems approaches, or Making Markets Work for the Poor (M4P) reduce poverty by enhancing the ways that the poor interact with markets.
- Rippey, P., & Fowler, B. (2011). Beyond financial services: A synthesis of studies on the integration of savings groups and other developmental activities. Aga Khan Foundation.
Cooperatives and Member-Based Organizations
- Digital Archives and resources from the Antigonish Movement – a people’s movement for economic and social justice that began in Nova Scotia during the 1920s.
- Mathie, A., & Ghore, Y. (2011). Innovative types of formal member-based organizations (MBOs): Towards an analysis of trends and a guide to MBO potential. Technical report to IDRC. Coady Institute. (1.26 Mb pdf)
- CARANA Corporation. (2012). Catalyzing farm to market linkages: Market Linkages Initiative, East Africa [Video]. Youtube. (9:50 min.)
- Coady Institute. (2012). Dr. Vandana Shiva on Just Food [Video]. Youtube. (38:47 min.)
- Coady Institute. (2012). Can business save the world? Dr. Michael Edwards [Video]. Youtube. (10:14 min.)
- Skoll World Forum. (2009). Social entrepreneurs: Pioneering social change [Video]. Youtube. (9:03 min.)
Micro-Enterprise Links
- Chen, M. A. (1997). A guide for assessing the impact of microenterprise services at the individual level. AIMS. (94K pdf)
- Dunn, E., Kalaitzandonakes, N., & Valdivia, C. (1996). Risk and the impacts of microenterprise services. AIMS. (133K pdf)
- NGO Management Association, resources for organizational development, performance management, finances, human resources and communications.
- Sebstad, J., & Chen, G. (1996). Overview of studies on the impact of microenterprise credit. AIMS. (170K pdf)
- Virtual Library on Microcredit and Microfinance, a definitive and renowned site on microcredit.
Value Chains
- Beam Exchange. (2018). What is a market system?
- FIELD Facilitation Working Group. (2008). Cycle 1: Defining lead firms and principles of facilitation (Working paper). (97K pdf)
- FIELD Facilitation Working Group. (2008). Cycle 2: Methods for identifying and selecting lead firms (Working paper). (199K pdf)
- FIELD Facilitation Working Group. (2009). Cycle 3: Structuring and managing collaboration with lead firms (Working paper). (873K pdf)
- FIELD Facilitation Working Group. (2009). Cycle 4: Interventions with lead firms (Working paper). (244K pdf)
- FIELD Facilitation Working Group. (2009). Cycle 5: Addressing weak / nonexistent functions in the value chain (Working paper). (162K pdf)
- Dunn, E., Sebstad, J., Batzdorff, L., & Parsons, H. (2006). Lessons learned on MSE upgrading in value chains: A synthesis paper (MicroReport no. 71). USAID. (386K pdf)
- Gereffi, G., Humphrey, J., & Sturgeon, T. (2005). The governance of global value chains. Review of International Political Economy, 12(1), 78-104. (StFX only)
- GTZ. (2015). GTZ guidelines for value chain selection: Integrating economic, environmental, social and institutional criteria. GTZ. (1.17 Mb pdf)
- Hakemulder, R. (2015). Value chain development for decent work: How to create employment and improve working conditions in targeted sectors (2nd ed.) ILO. (937K pdf)
- ILO. (n.d.). Market access.
- Kula, O., Downing, J., & Field, M. (2006). Globalization and the small firm: An industry value chain approach to economic growth and poverty reduction (MicroReport no. 42). USAID. (621K pdf)
- MarketLinks. (n.d.). Value chain development wiki.
- Mayoux, L. & Mackie, G. (2007). Making the strongest links: A practical guide to mainstreaming gender analysis in value chain development. ILO. (1.83 Mb pdf)
- Statham, C. (2012). Making the case for mobile money: A look at social cash transfers for development (FIELD brief no. 19). (238K pdf)
- TechnoServe. (2018). What is a market system?
- Value chain program design: Promoting market-based solutions for MSME and industry competitiveness. (2014). Action for Enterprise. (567K pdf)
- Action for Enterprise (AFE) strives to be a global leader, innovator and trainer in reducing poverty through private sector promotion in developing countries.
- Acumen invests in companies, leaders, and ideas that are changing the way the world tackles poverty.
- CGIAR, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research.
- Conservation Agriculture (CA), aims to achieve sustainable and profitable agriculture and to improve livelihoods of farmers.
- FinDev Gateway, financial inclusion for development.
- IRIS is a catalog of performance metrics used by a majority of impact investors. It is an initiative of the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing the scale and effectiveness of impact investing.
- Prolinnova a multistakeholder programme to promote local innovation in ecologically oriented agriculture and natural resource management.
- La Via Campesina, a movement promoting gender parity and social justice in fair economic relations; preservation of land, water, seeds and other natural resources; food sovereignty; and sustainable agricultural production based on small producers.
General Links
- Basu, K. (2006). Globalization, poverty, and inequality: What is the relationship? What can be done? World Development, 34(8), 1361-1373. (StFX only)
- IMF. (2012, December 3). IMF adopts institutional view on capital flows.
- Lankes, H. P. (2002). Market access for developing countries. Finance & Development, 39(3).
- McKague, K. (2012). In profit and out of poverty: The business case for engaging with poor farmers in Bangladesh’s dairy sector (Learning & policy series briefing paper no. 3). Care International.
- Unleashing entrepreneurship: Making business work for the poor. (2004). UNDP.
- Wade, R. H. (2004). Is globalization reducing poverty and inequality? World Development, 32(4), 567-589. (StFX only)
- Watkins, K. (2002). Making globalization work for the poor. Finance & Development, 39/1.