This section contains comprehensive studies and reports of Coady projects.
- Akuffo-Parry, Y. (2024). Enhancing livelihoods of widows in Northern Ghana through social enterprise: Toward a social impact framework. Coady Institute.
- Ghore, Y., Long, B., & Derici, D. (2021). Rethinking human capital: Perspectives from women working in the informal economy. St. Francis Xavier University. (1.7 Mb pdf)
- Kravchuk, K., Smith, E., & Somera, N. (2019). Twists, turns, and triumphs towards transformation: An internal evaluative study of the Global Change Leaders program (2012-2018). Coady Institute. (1.4 Mb pdf)
- Smith, E. (2019). Enhancing partnerships and expanding opportunities: Off-campus courses. Coady Institute. (1.3 Mb pdf)
- Smith, E. (2019). Testing, documenting and sharing innovations for community-led change: A cross case study. Coady Institute. (1 Mb pdf)
- Smith, E. (2019). Update to Learning from Stories of Change: An internal evaluation study. Coady Institute. (1.2 Mb pdf)
- den Heyer, M., Smith, E., & Irving, C. (2017). Learning from Stories of Change: An internal evaluation study. Coady Institute. (3.4 Mb pdf)
- Massu, M., Michaud, L.-P., & Jain, A. (2017). Comparative evaluation on community-managed savings-led approaches in the Mekong. Coady Institute. (3.62 Mb pdf)
- Ghore, Y. (2016). Market actors report from the fieldwork in Uganda. IDS, Coady Institute, & the Rockefeller Foundation. (917K pdf)
- Ghore, Y. (2016). Participatory livelihoods mapping with people with disabilities in Uganda. IDS, Coady Institute, & the Rockefeller Foundation. (1.58 Mb pdf)
- Thorpe, J., Mathie, A., & Ghore, Y. (2016). A typology of market-based approaches to include the most marginalised. IDS, Coady Institute, & the Rockefeller Foundation. (1.17 Mb pdf)
- Peters, B. (Ed.). (2013). Applying an Asset-Based Community-Driven Development approach in Ethiopia, 2003-2011: Final internal evaluation report. Coady Institute. (14 Mb pdf).
- Hodgson, J., Knight, B., & Mathie, A. (2012). The new generation of community foundations. Global Fund for Community Foundations & Coady Institute. (489K pdf)
- Mathie, A., & Ghore, Y. (2011). Innovative types of formal member-based organizations (MBOs): Towards an analysis of trends and a guide to MBO potential. Coady Institute. (1.2 Mb pdf)
- Peters, B., Gonsamo, M., Molla, S., & Mathie, A. (2009). Applying an Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) Approach in Ethiopia: Mid-term evaluation report summary. Coady Institute & Oxfam Canada. (4.48 Mb pdf)
- Mathie, A., & Gaventa, J. (2015). Citizen-led innovation for a new economy. Fernwood Books.
- Mathie, A. & Cunningham, G. (Eds.). (2008). From clients to citizens: Communities changing the course of their own development. Practical Action. (Marie Michael Library: 307.112 M426f), Purchase Information.
- Lee, N. (Ed.). (2008). Reaching the Hard to Reach: Comparative study of member-owned financial institutions in remote rural areas.
- Gladkikh, O. (Ed.). (2002). Democracy and Active Citizen Engagement: Best practices in advocacy and networking.