Eight Minutes, Forty-six Seconds

Eight Minutes, Forty-six Seconds

Coady Institute Executive Director Gord Cunningham shares how we have a responsibility to take part in the dialogue on racism in our society. Eight Minutes, Forty-six Seconds This week many Americans are taking 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence to reflect on...
Op-ed: What’s in Your Basket?

Op-ed: What’s in Your Basket?

By Yogesh Ghore and Farouk Jiwa The current pandemic has caused significant disruptions in the supply chain of food across the world. The situation is affecting countries to varying degrees depending on the level of outbreak and the conditions of the restrictions....
Message from the Director of Education Programs

Message from the Director of Education Programs

The world as we know it has been overturned by the Covid-19 (novel coronavirus) pandemic. Many of our countries are currently in various states of lockdown and all of us are being encouraged by local, national, and global health authorities to significantly change our...