The Coady Connection

The Coady Connection Read the latest issue of 'The Coady Connection' newsletter. Past issues: February 2024March 2023September, 2022April, 2022November, 2021May 2021November, 2020August, 2020April, 2020January, 2020October, 2019July, 2019April, 2019December,...

Circle of Abundance

Circle of Abundance “The learning facilitators come into the space with humility and wisdom, and create a learning environment where participants can be vulnerable and share their experiences without fear.” – Melissa Reid, Wagmatcook First Nations, Indigenous Women in...
Coady Connection, February 2024

Coady Connection, February 2024

The Coady Connection February 2024 This newsletter tells the story of what the Coady Institute team and our partners have been working on during the past eight months here in Nova Scotia, Canada, and countries around the world. Not only have we welcomed participants...


Engage! Women's Empowerment and Active Citizenship Reports A key component of the Engage program is the priority placed on creating a co-learning environment whereby the partner organizations have ongoing opportunities to share their expertise, learn from each other,...

Kitchen Table Talks

Engage! Women's Empowerment and Active Citizenship Kitchen Table Talks If you have come to Nova Scotia, you will notice that we often do a lot of our talking and decision-making informally at our kitchen tables. The Antigonish Movement was organized around them and...