A Full and Abundant Life For All

A Full and Abundant Life For All

Building on the distinct historical experience of the Antigonish Movement formed 100 years ago, St. Francis Xavier University established Coady International Institute in 1959 as part of its commitment to community leadership development and social responsibility. We...

A Coady Welcome

We celebrated the arrival of 41 global leaders from 19 countries for the 2018 Diploma in Development Leadership program to Coady, StFX University, and the communities of Antigonish at the annual Coady Welcome Social. The program included welcoming remarks from Coady...

Canadian Prime Minister visits Coady

Coady participants were among the hundreds of people who welcomed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to the campus of St. Francis Xavier University July 17. Trudeau was in the Antigonish area to announce federal funding for the twinning of Highway 104 and to participate in...