Coady Chair in Social Justice (CCSJ)
The Coady Chair in Social Justice (CCSJ) honours the spirit of Dr. Rev. Moses Coady and the leaders of the Antigonish Movement by bridging local and global concerns involving many communities and encouraging an interdisciplinary approach to issues.
At the core, its purpose is to engage St. Francis Xavier (StFX) University and communities in issues of social justice.
The work of the CCSJ has always been focused on building right relationships within and among our diverse communities, examining our challenges, and obstacles and understanding our multiple starting points as a foundation for building just futures.
The CCSJ is an important means to deepen StFX University’s commitment to its service to society’s mission, to develop student’s understanding and sense of social responsibility, and to support the Coady International Institute as a centre for global citizen leadership and social justice at StFX University.

Past Social Justice Chairs
2018: Mfalatsane Pricillah (Sadi) is the former Chief Director of Sustainable Livelihoods with the Department of Social Development for the Government of South Africa. A member of Coady’s Advisory body and a graduate of Coady’s Asset-based and Citizen-led Development (ABCD) and Livelihoods and Markets certificates, Motsuenyane has a longstanding relationship with Coady, and is a passionate ABCD practitioner.

2017: Dorene Bernard, a respected Mi’kmaq Grassroots Grandmother, dedicates her life to protecting the environment against the impacts of climate change. Her social work career in Mi’kmaki, includes child welfare and support for Indian Residential School survivors and their families. She volunteers to promote culture, language, social justice, Treaty Rights, Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, and reconciliation.

2016: Alan Syliboy is an internationally renowned Mi’kmaw artist, filmmaker, musician and social justice advocate whose works have inspired renewed community pride in Mi’kmaw culture and heritage.
A recipient of the 2002 Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal, Mr. Syliboy shares his creativity to engage youth and advocate for environmental sustainability, nation-building and reconciliation. May 31 Inverview with CBC radio
A recipient of the 2002 Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal, Mr. Syliboy shares his creativity to engage youth and advocate for environmental sustainability, nation-building and reconciliation. May 31 Inverview with CBC radio

2015: Palagummi Sainath of India is the first reporter in the world to win Amnesty International’s Global Human Rights Journalism Prize (2000). Sainath has won more than 40 global and national awards. His book Everybody Loves a Good Drought has remained a non-fiction bestseller. Sainath’s work has been described as the ‘conscience of the Indian nation’, and has helped promote new national policies for the rural poor. May 27 interview with CBC Radio Ideas.

2014: Caroljean Willie, a Sister of Charity of Cincinnati, served as the NGO representative at the United Nations for the Sisters of Charity Federation from 2007 to 2014. In that role Sr. CJ was a leading advocate on issues related to sustainable development, women’s leadership and inter-faith cooperation based on her experience working cross-culturally throughout the United States, the Caribbean, Latin America and Africa.

2013: Rajagopal P. V. is a Gandhian activist, Vice-Chair of the Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi,and the president and founding member of Ekta Parishad, a grassroots right-based organization in India. Rajagopal focused on approaches to nonviolent social change, especially on land rights and natural resource issues.

2012: Dr. Deborah Barndt is an Associate Professor in Environmental Studies and Coordinator of the Community Arts Practice Certificate Program at York University. Dr Barndt focused on the themes of arts for social change, local and global food issues.