Coady Stands with People of Bangladesh

After weeks of protests, a student-led movement in Bangladesh morphed into a popular movement that led to the resignation of the former prime minister, Sheik Hasina.

Such moments are delicate times and present the real risk of opportunism, co-option, and strengthening of systems that prevent local strengths and voices. Based on Coady Institute’s values, work, and experience in Bangladesh, we see a better, brighter, more hopeful future.

Coady recently welcomed six participants from Bangladesh to take part in three different courses Asset-Based and Community-Led Development: Theory and Practice, Livelihoods and Markets, and Community Led Solutions for Climate Change. Long-time Coady partner Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh (CCDB), an organization which has recently celebrated its 50th anniversary, co-facilitated the climate change course.

Over the last six decades, we have welcomed 240 graduates from Bangladesh as they work to and for a sustainable, diverse, and democratic future. These graduates and partners are committed to bringing economic and social change to local communities. We stand with our graduates and will work alongside CCDB to ensure that the communities we and they work with are heard, protected, and supported through this uncertain period.

In solidarity and hope with and for all those Bangladeshis working for peace and democracy.