Diploma in Development Leadership
Coady Institute’s Diploma in Development Leadership brings together change leaders from around the world to reflect critically on their experiences, share their practices, and learn cutting-edge strategies for a new kind of leadership.
Abdul-Wahid Adam
Deputy Municipal Coordinating Director, Atebubu-Amantin Municipal Assembly, Ghana
I hope to strengthen my ability to critically analyse development issues and develop pragmatic strategies to lead change positively. I hope to learn, unlearn and relearn from Coady staff members and Coady participants from across the globe.
About Abdul
Atebubu-Amantin Municipal Assembly is mandated to perform functions enshrined in the Local Governance Act, 2016, Act 936. The municipality has the vision to harness and mobilize the resources within its area of jurisdiction to alleviate poverty and transform its local economy into a vibrant and developed enclave. Its mission is to formulate and implement policies directed at promoting quality education, improving health, sanitation, and sound environment as well as reducing poverty among its people.
My main task is to assist in ensuring the overall development of the local government authority. I do this by initiating, implementing, and monitoring development programs within the municipality. I also coordinate all development activities and promote popular grassroot participation through training and sensitization of all stakeholders in the municipality. I analyze sector policies, plans, and programs as well as develop strategies for poverty eradication within the local government authority.
Ronaldine Taku Ankengfuet
Former Gender and Advocacy Officer, Center for Assistance to Justice and Animation for Development (CAJAD), Cameroon
Coady Institute is unique in its approach to development. I hope to redefine myself and my life’s purpose while understanding developmental approaches that have worked to create resilient communities in this part of the world.
More about Ronaldine
CAJAD’s mission is to galvanize and build the capacities of vulnerable populations, especially youth and women, for better socio-economic and political integration. The organization envisages a Cameroon characterized by the rule of law, mutual respect, and full participation of all in the management of public affairs and in all spheres of nation-building to attain commendable standard of development.
I was responsible for mainstreaming gender in all CAJAD’s projects, policies, and activities. I conducted gender analysis in projects at the write up, implementation, and evaluation stages and ensured that project budgets were gender sensitive. I equally planned, coordinated, and performed gender inclusive research in local communities while advocating for women’s inclusive participation in community development planning and local village councils while organising activities to celebrate women.
Allan Anderson
Independent Consultant, India
Coming to Coady has been a priority to me in my career. I wish to gain hope from my experience at Coady as it lifts the burden in our hearts and gives life a new meaning to be a successful leader for social change.
About Allan
I formerly worked with CARITAS network in India. CARITAS is an international network of the Catholic Church working in more than 200 countries all over the world. The organization’s vision is the formation of a just and sustaining social order by upholding values of love, equality, and peace.
CARITAS works to restore the human dignity of the poor and marginalized by partnering with intermediary organizations in extending support and facilitation and advocating for the rights of the people.
I have seven years experience in the development sector and 20 years of volunteer experience with various development initiatives with national and international organizations and the government of India. As an independent consultant, I help grass root level organizations to build up capacities and assist in organizational development processes. My expertise is in program/project management, monitoring and evaluation, administration, disaster management, volunteer engagement, partnership building and fundraising.
Bwana Benta Anyango
Home Economics, Gender, and Rural Youth Officer, County Goverment of Kisumu, Kenya
While at Coady, I would like to learn how to better leadership skills and management in my community. I would also like to learn about the diverse cultures from across the world as I will meet people from other nations.
More about Bwana
The Ministry of Agriculture’s vision is to promote and facilitate production of food and agricultural raw materials for food security and incomes. We want to advance agro based industries and agricultural exports while enhancing sustainable use of land resources as a basis for agricultural enterprises. In keeping with the role of the agriculture sector in the national economy and people’s livelihood, the mission is to improve the livelihoods of Kenyans by creating an enabling environment for sustainability.
I am the sub county Home Economics, Gender, and Rural Youth Officer with Agriculture Department County Government of Kisumu. I coordinate and manage all the activities of the department of agriculture in our sub county which includes the promotion of food and nutrition security, training on gender and human right issues, promotion of appropriate technology and climate change mitigation activities among others.
Grace Arach
Founder and Executive Director, Foundation for Women Affected by Conflicts (FOWAC), Uganda
Schooling taught me and made me learn, Coady will help build me as a leader and package my ideas, knowledge, and information in a way that make sense and enables others to bring out the best in themselves.
More about Grace
Foundation for Women Affected by Conflicts (FOWAC) is a non-profit organization founded by indigenous women. The organization was founded by a group of concerned young and vibrant war affected females in Northern Uganda. We address the plight of females affected by conflicts. These are vulnerable and marginalized women who need help in achieving meaningful reintegration into post-conflict communities. We offer psychosocial, livelihood, and advocacy.
I plan, develop and manage projects and human resource of the organization. As funding opportunities from kindhearted folks diminishes, I am currently engaged in crafting an approach on how my organization and the vulnerable people in my community and beyond can venture into alternative social entrepreneurial initiatives that can improve their livelihoods and well-being using rich resources in their reach without causing devastating effect on their environments.
Abraham Armah
Production Officer, Department of Agriculture, Ghana
While at Coady, I hope to gain knowledge and skills in community development and also build my confidence in facilitation in order to deliver my work effectively.
More about Abraham
The vision of the ministry is a modernized agriculture culminating in a structurally transformed economy. One where there is food security, employment opportunities, and reduced poverty. We work to promote sustainable agriculture and thriving agribusiness through research and technology development and effective extension and other support services to farmers, processors, and traders for improved livelihood.
My role as an agricultural officer at the district level is to assist in implementing government policies and strategies for the agriculture sector. I mobilize the training of farmers for sustainable management of land and environment. I’m responsible for technology transfer to farmers to improve their farming enterprise through field demonstration, field days, and group formation. My duties include, assisting farmers in problem identification and finding solutions as well as linking farmers to financial institutions and markets.
Fredrick Braggs
Project Director, Capuchin Krishik Seva Kendra (R), India
I came to Coady, first, to undergo a radical change in the thinking process, values system, and orientation and approach that is used to look at, and evaluate, in my pursuit of becoming better a leader. I hope to discover my inner potential by total participation.
More about Fredrick
Capuchin Krishik Seva Kendra (R) (CKSK) is a volunteer organization run by the Franciscans Capuchin Fathers of Karnataka Province, registered as a society in 1976. We have been engaged in integrated community development activities supported by various donors. The organization is rooted in values of justice, peace, and equality.
I am the project director of the addiction centre which is the main unit of CKSK. We treat people who become victims of various substance abuses such as alcohol, Ganja, drugs, etc… We treat them medically and rehabilitate them to the family and society giving importance towards integral health.
Beverley Chinyama
Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Parliament of Zimbabwe
I hope to gain rich leadership skills and confidence here at Coady International Institute so I can be able to influence other fellow women in my community and to be able to help them achieve their dreams in life, thereby achieving my dream of empowering women and girls.
More about Beverley
We seek to make laws for the good governance of the nation through effective representation of the people and provide oversight on the executive arm of government and other public institutions, including parastatals. We also play a role in scrutinizing national finances and resources.
I am involved in planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling activities at my current job. I draft work plans for the three projects at Parliament outlining the activities to be conducted and the budgets and coordinate activities and meetings which include project boards and project steering meetings. I am also responsible for tracking results and writing reports on these through quarterly reports and annual reports. My reports influence the decision making process at Parliament.
Rachael Chisanga
Senior Human Resource Development Officer, Anti-Corruption Commission, Zambia
I came to Coady to explore learning opportunities based on career interests of self-awareness and to be able to integrate the various interdisciplinary approaches in contributing to positive social change and transformation.
More about Chisanga
The Anti-Corruption Commission mobilizes support and enlightens citizenry of Zambia through community education programs, investigates and prosecutes suspected offenders, educates on corruption prevention and stresses rejection, resistance, and reporting of corruption. Our mission is to effectively prevent and combat corruption to promote integrity, transparency, and accountability for sustainable development. We hope to achieve significant reduction in levels of corruption by leading a broad sector alliance for combating corruption.
I design training and development programs as well as conduct strategy and policy implementation, research and facilitation using methodologies to enhance knowledge, performance, and capabilities. I am also involved in monitoring and evaluation of programs and support mechanisms for motivation, employment, and engagement. As a part of my duties, I draw the competency framework and am responsible for its implementation and budgeting. I also conduct performance management in output review areas.
Jerson Cusher, CP
Assistant Coordinator and Director of Child Care Center, Karnataka Domestic Workers Movement, India
Through this Coady experience, I would like to learn and understand systematic and effective ways of leadership to bring positive and meaningful changes in the lives of domestic workers and their children through organization.
More about Jerson
Karnataka Domestic Workers Movement (KDWM) was started in 2002 to help domestic workers to get their rights from the government of Karnataka. At present it is working in 10 districts of Karnataka. The main objective of KDWM is to educate domestic workers about their rights and duties as workers, giving dignity to their work. We also work to restore the rights of children in domestic work and provide them with opportunities to create a positive future through care and education.
I draft programs for the field staff who are working with domestic workers and organize training programs for the animators as well as for the leaders of self help groups consisting of domestic workers. I also provide care, education, and counselling to traumatized children of domestic workers as well as rescued child domestic workers giving them their childhood back.
Sharon C. Dalso
Community Development Field Officer, Community Development Division, Antigua and Barbuda
Listening and sharing are two pillars of learning. Coady International Institute creates such a welcoming environment with caring faculty who are leading graduates to success. I am privileged to have this chapter of my life blessed by this noble and sacred institution.
More about Sharon
Antigua and Barbuda’s Community Development Division works in collaboration with stakeholders and community members to facilitate and support local initiatives geared at sustainable livelihoods and building stronger communities. We want to build the capacity of community members to enable them to better assess and utilize their resources, identify and harness their potential and skills, and to plan and manage their own development by collaborating with stakeholders for sustainable projects and programs.
My responsibility within the organization is to work with the communities I have been assigned to form groups and support their development through community building workshops and provide training and knowledge sharing all while accessing funding especially from external sources. I also work with the schools to build knowledge and initiate programs such as the 4H club. In addition, I support the Centenarian Program where we link them with the agency who provides care for the clients and support for families.
Tirubirhan Getnet Darge
Executive Directer, Good Samaritan Association, Ethiopia
At Coady, I hope to gain good knowledge and skills that will help my program and organization.
More about Getnet
Good Samaritan Association (GSA) wants to see Ethiopian women and marginalized sections of the population free from poverty and to attain acceptable standard of heath and education services. The mission of GSA is to work with families, individuals, and institutions towards achieving improved quality of life for the most marginalized and discriminated segments of the community by employing community based participatory integrated development initiatives on health, education, and basic skills training.
My role in my organization is leadership, networking, planning and evaluating.
Amber Itohan Erinmwinhe
National Coordinator, International Network of Religious Leaders Living With or Personally Affected by HIV/AIDS, Nigeria
I came to Coady to understand better the concepts of adult education and community development and to be able to apply it in my country.
International Network of Religious Leaders Living With or Personally Affected by HIV/AIDS envisages attaining a Nigeria where there is collective response for the elimination of stigma, inequality, hardship, and social injustices that drive transmissions of diseases like HIV/AIDS. We want a society where there is protection of basic human rights, respect of human dignity, and promotion of the well-being of people regardless of their social class, creed, orientation, or gender. The organization equips communities, through a human rights based approach to respond to issues that promote human dignity, well-being, and equality.
I am involved in coordinating the daily affairs of the organization taking a leadership role in driving a collaborative process with the management board/trustees and staff that result in the development of goals, objectives and operational plans for the organization. I also manage all fund development activities, including grant/proposal writing, programme planning, and identifying new resources.
Anna Regina Gakuhi
Farm Manager / Consultant, Sisters of Mercy of Jamaica, Jamaica
I came to Coady to discover who I am and the influences of what I see, hear, and relate with others (creation). I want to learn about various ways of tapping and encouraging those with natural resources or acquired skills and acquire knowledge for personal and community development.
More about Anna
The mission and vision of my organization is to support and inspire people in need to live healthy, connected lives with inclusive communities. We target peoples, families, and communities from all walks of life and together create an atmosphere where all can enjoy life in abundance. We empower, assist, and advocate for the less fortunate enabling them to make life enhancing choices and to gain control over life shaping decisions.
My new ministry within my community (Sisters of Mercy) will be working with boys from an inner city community but also continue with Mustard Seed C in enhancing food security and healthy eating. I will teach agriculture, both theory and practical. I intend to use my new knowledge in developing their farming and leadership skills. This will also be a way of penetrating and getting connected with their families who are materially poor. Together this will enhance their economic development.
Assefa Getaneh
Executive Director, Center of Concern, Ethiopia
Leadership can make or break an organization. I am here at Coady to make. I want to the ability to help grow and sustain the engagement of people to accomplish something extraordinary together.
More about Getaneh
Center of Concern (CoC) is a not for profit non-government organization established in 2005 and works on addressing the challenges facing vulnerable groups of the society who lead miserable lives due to various socio economic hurdles. Our work focuses on women and youth empowerment and protection, child care and support, quality of primary education, and environmental protection, health and disaster, and emergency management. We want to see a society free from poverty and injustice.
I give direction and leadership guided by the organization’s mission and strategic direction, represent and speak on behalf of the organization, and oversee the day-to-day operations. My other responsibilities are to provide strategic vision and leadership, global strategic planning, governance, resource development, donor relations, grant and fiscal management, and program development and management.
Anita Guragain
Board Member of Account and Supervisory Committee, Mahila Saving and Credit Co-Operative Society Limited, Nepal
I traveled to Coady to strengthen my leadership for empowering others and to better contribute to inclusion, socio-economic development, social justice, and social change in my community.
More about Anita
Mahila Saving and Credit Co-Operative Society Limited was established in 1995 with the aim to empower women and create the habit of saving to meet the credit access for the upliftment of the socio-economic lives of people within the community. Our vision is “an excellent community-based cooperative enterprise with technically-enriched financial service systems.” With women’s collective leadership, we are making efforts to develop this community-based SACCOS as a “first choice of members.”
My key responsibilities are empowering and insuring safety of amount and investment of the capital for women’s wellbeing while observing laws, directives, and guidelines. Other duties include monitoring, evaluating, and supervising. I also coordinate and interact with board of directors, employees, and other stakeholders. In this role I support the formulaion of plans and strategies to achieve goals and objectives. Also, I work on poverty reduction, preparing the annual/periodic plans and ensure good governance at government and non-government organization.
Betty Jose
Community Coordinator, Purvanchal Gramin Seva Samiti, India
I came to Coady to become more efficient in my ministry, especially to be fruitful in my work of community development, the empowerment of women, youth, and differently abled. I want to be a ray of hope and a blessing to the marginalized.
More about Betty
Purvanchal Gramin Seva Samiti (PGSS) is a non-profit, charitable volunteer organization. PGSS works for the empowerment of the marginalized people of society (especially dalits, women, and children) through a process of awareness, collective actions, and advocacy for raising their socio-political, educational, economic, and health status as well as the promotion of environment. We visualize a society based on justice, gender, equity, and fullness of life for all.
As a community coordinator, I do monthly planning, monitoring, and evaluation of community development work for the empowerment of women through self help groups, build awareness through training programs, and motivate women to organize collective actions to get the government schemes to their communities. I work with the goal to have healthy, developed villages.
Musola Cathrine Kaseketi
Executive Director, Vilole Images Productions (Women and Girls Disability Rights of Zambia), Zambia
I want to leave Coady equipped with tools for citizen-led change and community-led action for climate change challenges that will enable me to come up with strategies that are effective and efficient towards development of the disability community.
More about Musola
Vilole Images Productions (VIP) is dedicated in using film as a tool for human rights advocacy by creating respect for human dignity and removing bias towards artists, women, and girls with disabilities. We are a non-profit organization committed to pursuing a focused vision of defending and promoting human rights, contributing towards changing lives, and bringing hope to the hopeless. Through disability equality training, VIP’s methods are about facilitating change and promoting inclusion.
My responsibilities include managing the organization to ensure the mission, vision, and objectives are implemented. As a human rights advocate, disability equality training facilitator, and filmmaker, I train senior government officials and non-government officials to ensure disability is mainstreamed in all area of development especially towards women, girls, and youth.
Wekha Jn Khonje
Partnership Development, Youth Consultative Forum, Malawi
I believe that in order to be a good leader you need to go through transformational change, and the leadership course at Coady not only unsettles you but builds you to ask the right questions and in turn teach others to do so too.
More about Wekha
Youth Consultative Forum is a volunteer youth movement comprising of students, youth leaders, young professionals, youth organizations, young women movements, and other actors in youth work set to promote meaningful youth participation in development through collective voice and action focusing on youth development, empowerment, and policy advocacy. Our goal is to facilitate meaningful youth participation in all sectors of development by advocating for an enabling policy and legislative environment.
I am responsible for development of new strategic partnerships and for maintaining the old partnerships with government and various organizations. I am also responsible for raising resources which are used for youth development programs and in turn also accountable for prudent use of the resources. I also build the capacity of youth volunteers from the region in resource mobilization (fundraising and proposal development).
Justine Kyomuhendo
Chief Executive Officer, Pick Your Dream-Uganda, Uganda
My greatest desire is to use my time here at Coady to transform from a philanthropic leadership approach to a sustainable community development approach. I hope to tap into the vast experiences and acquire knowledge and skills to push in the right direction.
More about Justine
Pick Your Dream-Uganda is a registered non-government organization operating in western Uganda. Our mission is to engage, inspire, and empower less advantaged youth through practical life approaches that align attitude with desired destiny. We work to enable underprivileged children to aspire for greater height connecting clear sense of purpose for education and their lives by lifting academic standards of education in rural schools and ending child marriage.
I engage stake holders, oversee budgets and other resources, make major organizational decisions, act as the main point of communication, oversee organizational performance, and build organizational culture.
Dr. Amal Magdy
PhD Researcher, Bibliotheca Alexandria, Egypt
It is a blessing to be part of Coady’s global movement and work with some of the most amazing leaders from around the world. As we have become familiar with diverse regional conditions, we have discussed, worked hard, laughed, and cried. There are no barriers.
More about Amal
The Library of Alexandria was reborn in October 2002 and is a vast complex where the arts, history, philosophy, and science come together. The mission is to be a center of excellence for the production and dissemination of knowledge and to be a place of dialogue and understanding between cultures and peoples. The Library of Alexandria aspires to be the world’s window on Egypt, an instrument for rising to the challenges of the digital age and a center for dialogue between peoples and civilizations.
I am a researcher in archaeology (Greek and Roman Studies) in Hellenistic Studies Center, Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Alexandria was the cultural capital of the world, especially during the Ptolemaic period. The Hellenistic period, specifically in Alexandria witnessed many achievements and contributions in all fields of knowledge that have greatly added to man’s thought and the progress of civilization.The main objective is the overall understanding and reconstructing of the Hellenistic World.
Hirut Mengistu
Social Worker, Yekatit 12 Hospital Medical College, Ethiopia
I hope, at the end of the Diploma in Development Leadership program, I will be one of the leaders that advocates for a change and works for the societal development that not only focuses on visible and spoken well-being problems of society but also works for unseen well-being problems of the society. My frame wills not what I see but what people see and say about themselves.
More about Hirut
I am married, mother of two kids and a dedicated worker who wants to bring about change in my community especially in the well-being of individual, community, and society. I want be a change leader for my community to provide holistic care for all those who need better health.
Getachew Taddese Merahi
Deputy General Manager, Awach SACCOS Ltd, Ethiopia
As I am engaged in leadership activities, I hope to gain enhanced knowledge and skill in development leadership from my Coady experience.
More about Getachew
Awach SACCOS Ltd is a community-based saving and credit cooperative society established in March 2007 which presently has more than 12,000 active members. Awach has a vision of becoming a world class, premier SACCO in Ethiopia, and has a mission of empowering members of Awach through savings, credit, and other opportunities at competitive terms, through prudent financial management, to enable them to achieve financial independence.
As the Deputy General Manager of the cooperative, my role is planning, leading, and supervising the overall activities of the SACCOS.
Mpho Elizabeth Mpofu
Founder and Board Chairperson, The Voice of Africa Trust, Zimbabwe
Here at Coady, I am meeting people with a wide range of professions, ideologies, and solutions. This is very important for change making as all our different social problems lead to a dysfunctional world. l want to create a network of change makers and forge partnerships.
More about Mpho
The Voice of Africa Trust provides youth consulting services to African youths to afford them a dignified, purpose filled life through integrative and participatory programs. We want to create a future generation that forgives, rehabilitates, and strives to uplift lives by ensuring the education system is inclusive of the girl child and promoting provision of clean water and sanitation to all. Our overarching aim is to promote, fulfill, and advance human rights for all.
I provide leadership for the technical team in both Botswana and Zimbabwe working within the values and mission of the organization. l also coordinate the strategy and innovation for the organization with the focus of empowering women and girls in rural communities. I build partnerships with organizations and government institutions as well as represent the organization in various platforms.
Patricia Mwaka Mphanza Ndhlovu
Executive Director, Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA), Zambia
My Coady journey is one of self-reflection, to re-energize, network, learn, and revitalize my abilities to provide leadership for positive change for gender equality and development in my organization and among individuals and communities.
More about Patricia
Young Women’s Christian Association, Zambia is a national organization which envisions a safe, gender sensitive Zambia with equal opportunities and good quality of life for all. We are dedicated to the empowerment of the community to contribute to the attainment of a just society through rights-based approaches and sustainable interventions. Our overall goal is to enhance the quality of life in which health, education, human rights and economic empowerment are promoted, especially for women, youth, and children.
My duties include the management of the organization including leading strategic planning, programme design, monitoring, evaluation, and learning and resource mobilization activities. I am also responsible for providing technical support to staff, ensuring efficient/transparent utilization of resources, supervising staff, timely reporting on activities, creating linkages with donors/networking partners, issuing press statements, advocacy, lobbying, and raising awareness on a range of issues regarding the organizations’ work.
Jawneh Nfamara
Executive Director, Beakanyang, The Gambia
I will use my time at Coady to equip myself with the necessary skills and tools to become a leading voice in The Gambia’s democratic transition and in building a culture of human rights in the country.
More about Jawneh
Beakanyang is a not for profit non-government organization in The Gambia that promotes human rights and good governance. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for young people and women in The Gambia as well as promote their effective participation in decision making processes. We want to ensure every human being living in The Gambia enjoys all his or her God given human rights without any restriction.
I’m the Executive Director and Co-founder of Beakanyang and I’m responsible for overseeing the administration, programs, and strategic plan of the organization. My other key duties include fundraising, marketing, and community outreach.
Carole Nyakeri
Chief Operating Officer, Green Gates Ecofarm, Kenya
At Coady, I hope to open up myself to rethinking what I know and re-inventing myself into a more effective leader. I hope to learn how to influence policy in conservation and inspire local communities to use their land wisely.
More about Nyakeri
We are a social enterprise whose mission is the conservation of the environment through fostering micro and small eco-enterprises to alleviate poverty for women and persons with disabilities. We facilitate experiential training in agroforestry, apiculture, and aquafarming.
Our mission is participatory restoration and conservation of the Nzoia River Basin, using both ecofriendly agricultural practices and enhancement of biodiversity. Climate smart agriculture driven by local communities is our goal.
As the organization’s Chief Operating Officer, my role entails overseeing training, innovation, collaboration, and research as well as monitoring outcomes of our project that are based around environmental conservation through fostering Non Timber Forest Products Enterprises.
Margaret Bonareri Obonyo
Education Officer, Windle International Kenya, Kenya
I want to create a path of doing things differently from the past. I came to Coady to connect and share ideas that can be replicated globally, impacting people as communities grow.
More about Margaret
Windle International Kenya implements educational activities in Daadab and Kakuma and among marginalized communities in Kenya. The mission is to create lasting change and transformation in society by delivering quality education and training while advocating for and influencing education policy for refugees, the needy, and conflict affected communities in Kenya. We want to transform refugees and marginalized communities through education.
I coordinate development, implementation, supervision, and evaluation of education and community empowerment activities in Kakuma refugee camp and Kalobeyei settlement. I also review structure and policies at the secretariate and am a member of procurement group.
Salim Wainwright October
Development Professional, Guyana
I am pursuing this Coady program with the belief that my view of community development and leadership approach will be augmented. Acquisition of new tools and skills, to purposefully work with challenged communities, interest me.
More about Salim
I am a development professional with more than 18 years of experience working, supporting, and leading initiatives and projects related to HIV/AIDS, gender, emergency response, and national security at local and regional levels throughout the Caribbean. I have worked with major international organizations such as UNDP, Youth Challenge International, Population Services International and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance.
Particularly, I enjoy using my talents for voluntary action and have had opportunities to serve in numerous capacities with several leading organisations including United Nations Volunteers, Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana Red Cross Societies. As a trained military officer, I equally enjoy rendering voluntary service to the Guyana Defence Force and the Guyana Civil Defence Commission.
Integrating and mainstreaming gender into all areas of work remains my priority. Further, I am also a highly skilled still photographer and usually integrate image documentation throughout project cycles as well as render commercial or voluntary services, as time permits.
Sureni Perera
Chief Executive Officer, Frank Hilton Organization (Fiji Crippled Children’s Society Suva), Fiji
My learning will assist to converge practice and theory, heighten self awareness of my role as an agent of change, and provide me with opportunities to draw on collective knowledge, to bring positive change to the lives of others.
More about Sureni
Frank Hilton Organization is a non-governmental organization providing detection, early intervention, special education, and family support programs for infants, children, and young adults with disabilities in Fiji. Registered as the first special school in 1963, it has grown to be a recognized service provider for allied health, education, and community development programs focused on mitigating barriers to inclusion. Our vision is to create “a centre of excellence to educate, empower, uplift and uphold.”
My functions are to plan, implement, and guide quality service delivery and expand organization outreach. This entails a robust approach to build in-house capacity on technical and professional levels to ensure the organization is equipped to meet the diverse needs of the communities we serve. Working with government and donor organizations to build networks that ensure sustainable partnerships and funding to sustain present functions and future growth is also within my purview.
Naghma Qazi
Director Operations, Pakistan Rural Initiatives for Emergency Preparedness, Response and Development (PREPARED), Pakistan
I came to Coady to polish my skills with new tools and techniques to enhance my development experience. This leadership course has provided me an opportunity to interact and learn from a diverse leadership group.
More about Naghma
PREPARED’s vision is “a just and peaceful society where justice, dignity, and [respect] prevail and where all live in a peaceful, tolerant, and self-sustaining society with full potential and capacities to withstand against the shocks and without any discrimination of class, cast, ethnicity, and religion to participate and contribute in the nation building on sustainable basis.” PREPARED promotes human development.
As a Director Operations, I advise and supervise our program development section for program implementation. I work with staff to make sure they are proficient, enabled, and empowered to implement high quality planning and implementation. We maintain a high efficiency on international standards in humanitarian relief and social development sector interventions for successful and highly productive programs.
Rev. Fr. Alex Prashanth Sequeira
Assistant Director, Organization for the Development of People, India
I see my time at Coady as a learning journey to explore relevant leadership skills, competencies, and strategies that will enhance my efficiency to empower the marginalized and the poor.
More about Fr. Alex
The Organization for the Development of People (ODP) is a non-profit organization established in 1984 and located in Mysuru, India. It has been working for the upliftment of the poor by undertaking various need-based development programs. The seven focus areas of all ODP’s development interventions are: women’s empowerment, natural resource management, health and sanitation, capacity building, good governance, livelihood enhancement and research and development. Women’s empowerment is focusing on empowering women by organizing them through self-help groups. Natural resource management work includes reducing pressure on ecology and enhancing the livelihood capacity of the poor and marginalized.
My role is to ensure impact assessment, project implementation, administration, human resources, logistics, field monitoring, and evaluations for ODP.
Kamal Subedi
Founding Central President, National Federation of Youth NGO Nepal (NFYN), Nepal
I came to Coady because of its great credibility and recognition. I am sure that after completion of the diploma program, I will be able to take my organization to greater height with my effective leadership skills.
More about Kamal
National Federation of Youth NGO Nepal (NFYN), established in 2013, is a national level umbrella non-governmental organization, having more than 800 youth-led NGOs from 65 districts and seven provinces of Nepal. This is formed by a team of young professionals from different sectors to promote and protect youth organizations through leading youth-rights movement in Nepal. NFYN’s mission aligns with the sustainable development goals as the key basis in reaching out to youth groups to empower them economically.
I have been leading various advocacy programs on the issues of good governance, youth, peace, human rights and democracy. Under my leadership, NFYN, for the first time in the history of Nepal worked and advocated with the Nepalese government to set up a national youth council in Nepal. I will be actively involved in transforming community through social change strategies as well as rising voice of the voiceless through media. After I return back to my country, I will focus entirely on youth issues.
Shyam Thapa
Programme Analyst, Gender, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Nepal
I am looking forward to enhancing my knowledge, skills, and competencies to critically review social theories of change to bring meaningful personal, organizational, and societal transformation to deal with complex socio-cultural issues.
More about Shyam
UNFPA is the United Nations’ sexual and reproductive health agency. Our mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. UNFPA aims to achieve three transformative results, ambitions that promise to change the world for every man, woman, and young person by ending unmet need for family planning; ending preventable maternal death; and ending gender-based violence and harmful practices.
I manage programs that advocate for legal reform and enforcement of policies to address gender-based violence (GBV) and harmful practices. The goal is to strengthen national capacity to prevent and respond to GBV through provision of multi-sectoral services to survivors, integration of GBV within the health response and in disaster policies and plans, and equipping and mobilizing communities (men and boys, families and community leaders) with knowledge and skills to challenge gender discrimination.
Tecla Cicely Maria Thomas
Youth and Gender Empowerment Officer, All Saints East and St. Lukes Youth, Antigua and Barbuda
At Coady, I hope to gain knowledge and deeper understanding to impart on citizens and residents in my country. Through transformative leadership, I am committed to working assiduously to inspire our people to build resilience to develop sustainable communities for current and future generations.
More about Tecla
Our organization seeks to recruit, train, and prepare a new generation of community leaders and advocates who will become champions for the transformational agenda thereby improving the lives, livelihoods, social, economic, and educational opportunities available to citizens and residents. This is done through regular meetings and focus groups which identify current issues affecting the community and society and proposing solutions for government’s consideration.
I assist the organization in achieveing its goals and aims as well as play a critical part in advancing its mission and vision through active participation in activities designed to impact the society positively.
Dominic Thomas, CMI
Coordinator, Karuna Social Service Society, India
I came to Coady to develop my leadership and understanding of the methods of change agents for the community and to gain a proper understanding for adult education and community development programs.
More about Dominic
Karuna Social Service Society develops social work activities for the marginalized and the downtrodden in six districts of Uttarakhand state of India. The society is working with 25 centres covering 632 villages and collaborates with the government and innumerable NGOs in the area.
Our vision is for a just society where, through a process of self awareness, people are enabled to work together to build up themselves for their total liberation. The society’s mission is to improve empowerment of human dignity, decision making, and action.
I work in disaster management coordination, implementing projects in village communities and animating workers in the field. I also network with other NGOs and facilitate programs such as ones for personal skill and capacity building for income generation, relief and rehabilitation, and environmental protection. There is also a legal awareness program.
Mawanda Tom
Social Worker/Counselor/Teacher, Management Training Advisory Centre, Uganda
The course will help me to become more explicit about leadership in project management and understand the values and rules in team leadership and relationship management as well as how to lead change with more conviction and confidence.
More about Tom
My organization wants to create an inclusive society where people with disabilities are accepted into the mainstream economy and social life, one where they can earn, live, and sustain with dignity and respect. Our purpose is to gradually free persons with disabilities from the bondage that reduces them to sub-humans. We focus on maintaining and enhancing the quality of life by offering skill development to assist people with disability to be more self-reliant.
Our work includes program design, counselling and teaching vocational skills as well as policy development and advocacy. We lobby government to pass legislation specifically helping people with disabilities. We provide counselling to the family of the person with the disability. We work alongside people with disability to advocate for their rights and facilitate their empowerment (and that of their families) to achieve their needs and aspirations.
Jacqueline F. Waya
Program Office – Advocacy, Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF) Tanzania, Tanzania
I came to Coady to find myself (for personal growth and development) and to become a more proactive individual who makes things happen by engaging community — especially women who are mostly marginalized in my community — for social economic transformation.
More about Jacqueline
Established in Tanzania since 1997, WiLDAF is a Pan Africa Network organization, strategically linking law and development for the betterment of women’s lives. The goal is to improve the status of women’s human rights and promote socio-economic development. We envision a Tanzanian society that observes women’s human rights by enhancing a sustainable network for promotion of respect of women’s human rights through advocacy, dissemination, and observance of national and international standards.
WiLDAF’s core activity is advocacy, my role includes designing and implementing the organization’s overall advocacy strategy and linking the organization’s advocacy strategy with the government and other international strategies. I also engage with policy makers for law reviews, prepare paper policy briefings for advocacy work, and coordinate and conduct community interventions programs.
Cecil S. Wilson
Country Coordinator, Universal Outreach Foundation, Liberia
It is my hope that the knowledge gained from my studies at Coady will equip me to look deeper into issues that have entrenched communities into poverty and design ways to improve upon existing programs to address these root causes.
More about Wilson
Universal Outreach Foundation (UOF) increases access to education through the building of relevant and impactful curriculums, culturally contextual programs, and educational facilities. We apply the elements of successful business management, focusing on investments that maximize social returns. UOF creates partnerships with recipients so a shared vision is realized through participation, collaboration, sweat equity, and financial responsibility. There is a focus on sustainability within our programs and the environment in which we work.
As country coordinator, my role involves the coordination and management of universal outreach activities in Liberia and the ECOWAS sub region. I design programs targeting people living below reasonable income levels, design capacity building activities to support farming groups (cooperatives), manage partnerships with donor organizations, and research institutions both in and out of Liberia. I also conduct market reasearch and develop businesses that add value to agriculture produce.
Ramy Yousef
Communication Officer, Terre des hommes Egypt, Egypt
My studies at Coady are challenging me to think about my leadership role towards my community and how to inspire others to find their voices and be the best they can.
More about Ramy
Terre des hommes is a Swiss child rights organization focused on child protection in Egypt, and work to build a better future for vulnerable children and communities.
I manage the communication activities, to insure clear messages represent the organization’s work with the children and communities.