Strengthening Community, Building Bridges, and Collaborating for Change
More than 100 of Canada’s Indigenous women leaders will gather in November at St. Francis Xavier University’s Coady International Institute in Mi’kma’ki, the unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people.
The women are graduates, facilitators, mentors, and Elders associated with Coady’s Indigenous Women in Leadership (IWCL) program as well as Indigenous women graduates from other Coady certificate courses. Entering its 10th year, the award-winning IWCL program supports First Nations, Métis, and Inuit women who are committed to supporting development and social change in their organizations, communities, and Nations, using Coady’s innovative and blended approach to asset-based leadership development and prioritizing Indigenous women’s knowledge and ways of learning.
The Indigenous Women in Leadership Alumni Gathering will create space and opportunity to strengthen community, build bridges, and collaborate for change.
With the generous support of Imperial (founding partner), the Comart Foundation (strategic partner), and numerous individual, foundation, and organizational sponsors, the program and the gathering support Indigenous women as leaders in our communities, workplaces, and governments.

Andrea Curley
Andrea Curley, who graduated from the IWCL program in 2015, will be coordinating the logistics of the gathering in her new role as IWCL Alumni Gathering Event Coordinator. She is one of 122 graduates since the program’s inception in 2011. Another 19 women are enrolled in the program this year.
To learn more about the Indigenous Women in Community Leadership program, visit:
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