Call for Proposals

Learning with Community

Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education Regional Atlantic Conference

May 23rd to May 24th, 2025

Coady Institute, St. Francis Xavier University
Antigonish, Nova Scotia

Call for Proposals

Learning with Community

Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education Regional Atlantic Conference

May 23rd to May 24th, 2025

Coady Institute, St. Francis Xavier University
Antigonish, Nova Scotia

Conference Theme

At a time when our world is dealing with multiple challenges ranging from political instability, climate change, mass migration, and rapidly evolving technologies such as AI, there is a recognition that connections between people and creating a sense of learning with community still matters. This conference will be the first time CASAE has had a regional academic event in Atlantic Canada since the onset of Covid-19 in 2019. This event will be held in partnership with ENGAGE! Women’s Empowerment & Active Citizenship program and hosted at the Coady Institute at St. Francis Xavier University.

This conference will explore a range of issues and topics in connection to the theme of “learning with community” in the field of adult education/lifelong learning. The event is designed so that participants can register to attend the entire conference or one day of events.

May 23rd

People’s School from 1 to 4 p.m.
A forum for members of local community-based organizations as well as students and faculty to develop a discussion on the theme of learning with community.

Conference Dinner from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
At a local restaurant. Location(s) to be announced

May 24th

Panel Presentation 9:00 to 10: a.m.
By the ENGAGE partners followed by a Question-and-Answer period. This panel presentation is the only part of the conference that will also have a virtual component, which can be attended free of charge by remote participants.

Regional Conference 11:00 am to 3:00 pm
The conference will include Paper Presentations (3 people in a room, each given 20 minutes to present); Roundtable Presentation (4 to 5 people at a table, each given 10 minutes to present, with time for discussion and exchange of ideas); Poster Presentations (over lunch hour, people will be asked to stand by their posters for part of the time to answer questions as people browse around). After a short final plenary session, the conference will end by 3:00 p.m. so participants attending from a distance can drive home that day.

How to Submit Your Proposal

Paper or roundtable session proposals for the Regional Conference on May 24th should meet the following criteria. Please ensure your uploaded document meets all the requirements:

  • State whether your abstract for your proposal is for a paper presentation or a roundtable.
  • Maximum of 300 words for a paper presentation, 200 words for a roundtable, 100 words for a poster. (*only abstracts will be published in online proceedings – no longer written papers will be submitted for any of the presentations/roundtables)
  • Abstracts must be in Word or PDF format.
  • Include the full title of the proposal.
  • Contain no information that might identify the author(s) or author(s) affiliation.
  • For the conference, the posters must be printed (no audio-visual available) In addition, the following information is required as part of your submission:
  • Names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses of all authors, with the lead author designated as such.
  • Acknowledgement that all conference presenters, as well as the lead authors (regardless of attendance) will be required to register and pay conference fees by April 30th, 2025 to have abstracts published and be included in the program.

Proposal Submissions

Proposal abstracts should be submitted as attachments to:

Deadline to submit proposal abstracts is March 31, 2025.

Types of Presentations:

Two types of proposals are invited: (a) empirical research, or (b) theorizing from the literature. Either of these approaches can be used to develop a paper, roundtable, or poster presentation.

  • (a) Empirical research reports on findings from a qualitative or quantitative research study
  • (b) Theorizing from the literature can be based on either an exploration based on literature (reviews and/or critiques) or applications from one field to another which yield new insights about learning and education.

The following questions should be addressed in the proposal:

  • What is the purpose of this exploration or application?
  • What fields of study, disciplinary perspectives, or bodies of literature are being analyzed?
  • What are the implications for the development of education theory and practice?

Proposal Format:

Your proposal should be in 12 pt. Calibri or Times New Roman. The title should be in 14 pt. bold type. The proposal should be blinded, and you should include a separate cover page that includes your name, contact information [email], your institutional affiliation, the paper title, and total word count (excluding the reference list and cover page). Use A.P.A. 7th Edition reference style.

Final Abstract Format:

Once you have been accepted you will be asked to re-submit a final abstract to be published. Please address any revisions requested before you submit your final abstract. The abstract does not need to be blinded (anonymous) and should include a full reference list in APA 7th Edition format.

Your abstract should be double-spaced and include no more than the maximum length of words allowed for the type of proposal you are submitting. The title should be in 14 pt. bold type. Your

name and institutional affiliation should be in bold. The title and your name should be centered at the top of the first page.

Your reference list is not included in the final word count. Use A.P.A. 7th Edition for your reference style. Use left justification. Be sure to spell out any acronyms the first time that you use these [ie. Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE)].

Please be respectful of the time that volunteers are putting in to make this event happen and be sure to carefully proofread and edit your final submission.

Please follow all the formatting directions to make it easier to compile all the abstracts into a final online set of proceedings for the conference.

Dates Recap for People Who Want to Present

MARCH 31, 2025 Deadline to submit proposal abstracts
APRIL 15, 2025 Decision regarding proposal abstracts sent
APRIL 30, 2025 Deadline for presenters to submit final abstract and register
MAY 23 – 24, 2025 Conference
People who wish to attend and not present have until May 12th to register.

Dates Recap for People Who Want to Present

March 31, 2025
Deadline to submit proposal abstracts

April 15, 2025
Decision regarding proposal abstracts sent

April 30th, 2025
Deadline for presenters to submit final abstract and register

May 23-24, 2025

People who wish to attend and not present have until May 12th to register.


Registration is on the Conference Website.

Starting March 10, 2025.

May 23 – 24, 2025
Coady Institute
St. Francis Xavier University
Antigonish, Nova Scotia


May 23 – 24, 2025



9:00AM – 10:00 AM: ENGAGE PANEL

About the hosting organizations:

CASAE/ACÉÉA is a vibrant and energetic organization that provides a supportive network for graduate students, faculty members, researchers, practitioners and policy makers who are engaged or interested in adult education scholarship.

ENGAGE: Women’s Empowerment and Active Citizenship is a 6.5 year initiative co-designed by Coady Institute and five partner organizations in India, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Bangladesh, and Haiti. Coady is a convenor and is bringing these partners together in ways that they can share their expertise, learn from each other, and collectively explore new approaches and tools.