Marian Li Turniawan

Program Teaching Staff

Marian Turniawan joined the Coady Institute as a Research Coordinator for the Centre for Employment Innovation (CEI) in April 2021, then became a Research Officer for the wider Institute in April 2023 before moving into the role of Program Teaching Staff with a Climate Focus in May 2024. As a researcher, Marian supports various research efforts and capacity building across Coady programs and projects, and has been supporting the development of the climate change thematic area for Coady programs. Although born and raised in Antigonish County, Nova Scotia, Marian spent almost 15 years studying and working in different parts of North America and Asia. Her work is grounded in an understanding that diversity facilitates creativity, widening the lens of possibility by learning from various ways of knowing, listening, valuing, and organizing. Marian believes that by creating space for people from diverse backgrounds to share their knowledge, experiences, and perspectives, it is possible to imagine and work toward a world that is more equitable and just – a world in which all can lead a dignified and meaningful life that is in balance with Mother Earth. As a facilitator, educator, and researcher, Marian has a particular interest in exploring innovative approaches to knowledge mobilization to communicate learnings from educational spaces, research projects, and programs in engaging and accessible ways.

Marian completed a master’s degree in Nature-Society Geography at Syracuse University in upstate New York, USA, with her research looking broadly at political ecology, agrarian change, agroecological education, and knowledge sharing in social movements. Marian also holds an Honours B.A. in International Studies from Glendon College, York University in Toronto, Canada.