Archive News

Alumni Voice – COVID-19: Rethinking Emergency Preparedness and Response (Cameroon)

The COVID-19 outbreak coincided with three critical situations in Cameroon: an ongoing internal war, the rumoured death of the president, and a questionable reconstruction program for homeless war victims whereas the military and armed groups are still fighting. Having faced six consecutive years of intense political crises and now adding a health crisis, I am concerned about Cameroon’s emergency management strategy.

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Alumni Voice – Advocating for Women’s Inclusion in COVID-19 Response (Ghana)

As a national women’s rights network, NETRIGHT has issued two statements calling on the government to ensure COVID-19 interventions are responsive to the needs of the poor, including homeless women and the vulnerable in society. Also, NETRIGHT mobilised funds among women groups which has been donated to the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP) in Ghana to support its efforts in reaching out to vulnerable and homeless women and children.

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Alumni Voice – Channels for Children’s and Youth’s Voice in Mombasa’s COVID-19 Response (Kenya)

In Mombasa, Kenya, organizations have decided to work together to address various children’s issues in the advent of COVID-19. The Mombasa County Child Rights Network (MCRN) is composed of organizations working for and with children. As a network we are focusing on child protection as a major governance issue, and are enabling children to participate, speak out, and create messages on COVID-19 to the world.

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