Archive News

Alumni Voice – Mapping the Mosaic of Community Assets During and After COVID-19 (South Africa)

Humans are hard-wired to focus on threats and problems. It’s an evolutionary survival mechanism that has served us well for thousands of years. When faced with a crisis, we usually react in one of three ways – fight, flight, or freeze. When faced with the unprecedented and existential threat of the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s unsurprising that our threat-response mechanisms have gone into overdrive.

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Stories of Community Resilience and Entrepreneurship during Global Pandemic

An expert in Inclusive Economies has begun sharing experiences of the Global South during the Covid-19 pandemic in a series of essays entitled Stories of Community Resilience and Entrepreneurship. Written by Coady Institute’s Yogesh Ghore, the essays examine innovative solutions being developed by Coady graduates, partners, and others in the Global South. Ghore has worked internationally supporting economic development in South and Southeast Asia, Africa, North America and the Caribbean.

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Op-ed: 20 Million Face Masks

As the world responds to the Covid-19 pandemic, a pressing and immediate issue is the supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) for the front-line health workers who are working to save the lives of others. Facemasks are an essential part of the PPE. The answer is coming from an unusual and unexpected place: poor women, most of whom are living in the rural economy, and probably never heard of such masks before.

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Op-ed: What’s in Your Basket?

The current pandemic has caused significant disruptions in the supply chain of food across the world. The stories of community innovation in times of crisis, as highlighted here present an opportunity to look at the role of citizens in shaping their own development beyond the current crisis.

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Nova Scotia Councillor Learns to Find Strength in Peace

Kaytland chose to apply to the online program because it offered foundational knowledge, practical tools, and the flexibility to continue learning while maintaining her employment obligations. She believed Coady was the right place to support her learning journey.

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