Archive News

L’Institut Coady de StFX s’apprête à diriger un projet de 10 millions de dollars à l’appui du leadership des femmes

Le projet, intitulé ENGAGEZ-VOUS! Autonomisation des femmes et citoyenneté active, permettra à l’Institut Coady de travailler avec des organisations sur le terrain au sein de collectivités dans cinq pays (Bangladesh, Éthiopie, Haïti, Inde et Tanzanie) en vue de renforcer les capacités individuelles et organisationnelles tout en fournissant aux femmes des outils et des possibilités d’accroître leur propre autonomie.

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Welcoming Participants for New Online Climate Course

We are pleased to welcome 13 global leaders from 8 countries as they begin the Climate Basics for Community Resilience online course. Participants will be logging in from Afghanistan, Canada, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Mexico, Sri Lanka, and Zimbabwe.

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In Memory of Glenmary Father John Rausch

We are saddened to hear of the passing of Glenmary Father John Rausch. An advocate for economic and environmental justice for Appalachia and its people, Rausch graduated from Coady Institute in 1974 and served as part-time faculty from 1976 to 1983.

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IDW: Stories of Change for Gender Equality

As part of International Development Week, we share these stories of change from Coady graduates in their own words – highlighting their experiences, successes, and challenges, of working toward gender equality around the globe.

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IDW: Climate Action for Human Rights through Education

“What we often find out is that in many places people are facing the same kinds of problems, so there is an ability to problem solve with one another.”Dr. Corrine Cash is a Senior Program Staff at Coady Institute, and facilitates the Bachelor of Arts and Science in...

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IDW: Youth Leaders #GoForTheGoals

Supporting integration and empowerment for Canada’s newcomers, developing solutions for chronic homelessness, improving inclusion for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities – young leaders are taking charge of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by leading development initiatives in their communities.

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IDW: Health and Wellness across Turtle Island

Coady’s Indigenous Women in Community Development program supports First Nations, Métis and Inuit women committed to fostering development and creating social change in their organizations, communities and Nations. Participants Jasmine Collis and Lisa Osawamick are creating impact in their respective communities by providing and supporting health and wellness initiatives.

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