Nadine Bernard launched Slow Cooked Dreams as a participant of Coady’s Indigenous Women in Community Leadership program in 2017. The mentorship and community engagement phase of the program supports participants as they implement community initiatives that often continue to flourish long after the program concludes.
Slow Cooked Dreams is a prime example.
Nadine’s goal for Slow Cooked Dreams is to educate and empower community members through food literacy, which includes elements of nutrition, budgeting, and meal preparation skills – empowering people with the skills to prepare nutritious meals on a budget.
“By learning how to feed ourselves and our families better we can change our lives,” Nadine, who was born in We’koma’q, says.
Now, the Public Health Association of Nova Scotia selected Nadine as winner of the 2018 champion award.
As the Cape Breton Post reports, throughout the course of the project Nadine has delivered workshops to 600 people, including 73 people who are now trained as program facilitators.