Ghore, Y., Long, B., & Derici, D. (2021). Rethinking human capital: Perspectives from women working in the informal economy. St. Francis Xavier University. (1.7 Mb pdf)
Fletcher, D., Ghore, Y., Guri, B., Banuoku, D., & Mumuni, E. (2018). Using producer-led value chain research to revitalize indigenous foods and launch social enterprises: Lessons from Ghana (Innovations series no. 18). Coady Institute. (1.20 Mb pdf)
Ghore, Y. (2018). Producer-led value chain analysis: The missing link in value chain development (Innovation series no. 3c). Coady Institute. (1.28 Mb pdf)
Ghore, Y., Fletcher, D., & Abdulai, F. (2018). Innovations, investments, incentives and impact: What can rural women in Ghana teach us about social enterprise? (Innovation series no. 9). Coady Institute. (931K pdf)
Thorpe, J., & Ghore, Y. (2017). Why Davos should be talking about disability. From Poverty to Power Blog.
Diochon, M.C., Anderson, A.R. & Ghore, Y. (2017). Microfranchise emergence and its impact on entrepreneurship. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 13: 553-574. doi:10.1007/s11365-016-0414-7 (StFX access)
Ghore, Y. (2016). Participatory livelihoods mapping with people with disabilities in Uganda. Rockefeller Foundation.
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Diochon, M., & Ghore, Y. (2016). Last mile farm inputs: farm shop delivers, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 6(3), 1-22, doi: 10.1108/EEMCS-03-2016-0025.
Ghore, Y. (2015). Producer-led value chain analysis: The missing link in value chain development: a tool for effective engagement of small producers (Innovation series no. 3). Coady Institute. (1.83 Mb pdf)
Ghore, Y., & Labh, P. (2013). Crossfire: There can be no deep and sustainable development without collective action. Enterprise Development & Microfinance, 24(2), 85-90. (StFX access)
Ghore, Y and Mathie, A. (2012). Emerging models of cooperative-private sector partnerships: Examples from Kenya, Ghana and Tanzania. Presented at “Managing the Cooperative Difference” Conference, Moncton, NB.
Ghore, Y. (2012). Globalization and access to food: An analysis of challenges and strategies for smallholder farmers in India. In R.S. Stewart & S.A. Karol (Eds.), Food for thought: A multidisciplinary discussion. Sydney: CBU Press. Purchase Information.
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Mathie, A., & Ghore, Y. (2011). Innovative types of formal member-based organizations (MBOs): Interpreting the trends. Presented at the Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research Meetings, June 1-3, Fredericton, NB. Download. (611K pdf)
Mathie, A., & Ghore, Y. (2011). Innovative types of formal member-based organizations (MBOs): Towards an analysis of trends and a guide to MBO potential. Technical report to the International Development Research Centre. Download. (1.26 Mb pdf)
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