Join us as we explore Building Back Better for Nova Scotian Workers in a series of webinars presented by Coady Institute and the Nova Scotia Federation of Labour – funded by the Topshee Memorial Fund.

The first topic of the series isĀ Worker Health and Safety with panelists Nicole McKim (NSGEU), Danny Cavanaugh (NSFL), Allen J Martin (Westray Memorial Park), and moderator Pauline MacIntosh (StFX Extension). On April 28, the National Day of Mourning, we will explore the Westray experience and legacy and what occupation, health, and safety measures mean for workers in the midst of Covid-19.

The StFX Extension Department founded the Annual Topshee Memorial Conference in 1984. Named in honour of Rev. George Topshee who served as Director of both Extension (1969-1982) and Coady Institute (1973-1979). These conferences provide a forum in which people from all walks of life can meet to discuss critical social and economic issues affecting life in Atlantic Canada.