Challenging Hegemony in Development

Challenging Hegemony in Development

Celebrating International Development Week Coady Coffee House Challenging Hegemony in Development Register for this event In celebration of International Development week, Coady teaching staff member Digafie Debalke will facilitate a dialogue on peace and conflict...
Ibtesum Afrin

Ibtesum Afrin

Ibtesum Afrin Ibtesum Afrin brings extensive experience in research coordination and facilitation to her role as Research Officer with the Engage! Women’s Empowerment and Active Citizenship team at the Coady Institute, supporting its growing global and national...
Coady Staff Publish Article on Inclusive Governance

Coady Staff Publish Article on Inclusive Governance

Coady program staff member Julien Landry and associate Carmen Malena recently published an article focused on Coady’s pedagogies in the context of their work with “From Open to Inclusive Governance” (FOIG) partners. Over the past four years, with...

Payment of program fees

Payment If you are unable to pay by credit card, please enter your information below and our Finance Officer will be in contact with you. Payment of Fees First Name Last Name Email Address Program Name Additional Information 11 + 12 =...