SEWA building climate resilience of poor informal sector women workers in India Coady Institute partner Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) of India is examining how climate shocks are affecting poor women who work in the informal sector and offering educational...
St. Francis Xavier University (StFX) students Emma Jewkes and Sydney Anthony recently travelled to Ahmedabad, India as part of the Sears Internships in Social Enterprise Program – an initiative launched as part of the John T. Sears Chair in Corporate Social...
St. Francis Xavier University’s Coady Institute is relying on its long-standing partnerships with funders and grassroots organizations to help respond to the deadly Covid-19 situation in India. One of Coady’s longest partnerships is with the Self-Employed Women’s...
Coady Institute is one of nine Canadian organizations to receive funding toward advancing gender equality from the Fund for Innovation and Transformation (FIT). The Institute will receive $236,000 over 15 months for Farmer-led Tools, Dashboard Development and the...
By Yogesh Ghore and Farouk Jiwa As the world responds to the Covid-19 pandemic, a pressing and immediate issue is the supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) for the front-line health workers who are working to save the lives of others. Facemasks are an...