Coady News

Op-ed: 20 Million Face Masks

Op-ed: 20 Million Face Masks

As the world responds to the Covid-19 pandemic, a pressing and immediate issue is the supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) for the front-line health workers who are working to save the lives of others. Facemasks are an essential part of the PPE. The answer is coming from an unusual and unexpected place: poor women, most of whom are living in the rural economy, and probably never heard of such masks before.

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Op-ed: What’s in Your Basket?

Op-ed: What’s in Your Basket?

The current pandemic has caused significant disruptions in the supply chain of food across the world. The stories of community innovation in times of crisis, as highlighted here present an opportunity to look at the role of citizens in shaping their own development beyond the current crisis.

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Sister-to-Sister Mentorship Program Nominations Open

Sister-to-Sister Mentorship Program Nominations Open

Do you work with an incredible young woman activist who could benefit from intensive communications and advocacy training? If so, we want to hear from you! We are excited to announce that the Nobel Women’s Initiative, in partnership with Coady International Institute, is now accepting nominations for the 2020 Sister-to-Sister Mentorship Program.

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Message from the Director of Education Programs

Message from the Director of Education Programs

Given the nature of this unprecedented crisis, with the closure of international borders, termination of international flights, and general economic downturn, we have had to make some immediate and difficult decisions about the Institute’s 2020 course offerings.

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