About Coady
About Coady Institute
Established in 1959 by St. Francis Xavier University (StFX), Coady Institute is committed to accompanying generations of global leaders skilled in the application of citizen-led, asset-based, and community-driven leadership for economic and social change. The Institute was named in honour of Rev. Dr. Moses Coady, a prominent founder of the Antigonish Movement – a people’s movement for economic and social justice that began in Nova Scotia during the 1920s.
In collaboration with partners in Canada and across the globe, the Institute is committed to reducing poverty and transforming societies by strengthening local economies, by building resilient communities, and by promoting social accountability and good governance. Coady Institute is committed to breaking down and transforming the North-South divide by bringing people together to exchange innovations and learn from each other. Through relevant adult education programs, effective partnerships, and applicable research, Coady Institute is equipping community leaders and their organizations with the knowledge and practical tools needed to bring about the change they want for themselves.
Located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People, on the campus of StFX, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Coady Institute includes a network of more than 10,000 graduates in 146 countries globally.
“The classes were so lively, interactive, and participatory. It is indeed the best course I have ever attended. The methodology of the course was a good balance between theory and practical learning, which enables participants to apply the knowledge in day-to-day life.”
“I strongly recommend taking a course at Coady to everyone because, apart from the knowledge you stand to gain from the structured curriculum and modules, you are also exposed to vast and diverse shared experiences from high profile participants drawn from across the globe.”