Coady Staff Published Research & Conference Presentations
In addition to the research and practitioner resources issued by the Coady International Institute, much of our current work also appears in relevant conference proceedings, books and journals published internationally. Where possible, links to these publications are provided in the list below.
Latest Additions
- Irving, C.J. (2020). Critical information literacy: Adult learning and community perspectives. RELA: European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 11(1), 65-76.
- Buss, D., Katz-Lavigne, S., Otieno, A., & Alma, E. (2020). “Remember the women of Osiri”: Women and gender in artisanal and small-scale mining in Migori County, Kenya. Canadian Journal of African Studies, 54(1), 177-195. doi: 10.1080/00083968.2019.1677483 (StFX access)
- Kraglund-Gauthier, W.L. (2019). Learning to teach with mobile technologies: Pedagogical implications inside and outside the classroom. In Y.A. Zhang & D. Cristol (Eds.), Handbook of mobile teaching and learning (pp. 1-20). Springer.
- Fuchs, L. E., Peters, B., & Neufeldt, H. (2019). Identities, interests and preferences matter: Fostering sustainable community development by building assets and agency in western Kenya. Sustainable Development, 27(4), 704-712. doi:10.1002/sd.1934 (StFX access)
- Irving, C.J. (2018). Extension in a box: The creation and dispersal of the little library that fed the study clubs of the Antigonish Movement. In B. Kapplinger & M. Elfert (Eds.), Verlassene orte der erwachsenenbildung in Deutschland=Abandoned places of adult education in Canada (pp.161-173). Peter Lang.
- Diochon, M.C., Anderson, A.R. & Ghore, Y. (2017). Microfranchise emergence and its impact on entrepreneurship. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, J 13: 553. doi:10.1007/s11365-016-0414-7 (StFX access)
Journal Articles
- Irving, C.J. (2020). Critical information literacy: Adult learning and community perspectives. RELA: European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 11(1), 65-76.
- Buss, D., Katz-Lavigne, S., Otieno, A., & Alma, E. (2020). “Remember the women of Osiri”: Women and gender in artisanal and small-scale mining in Migori County, Kenya. Canadian Journal of African Studies, 54(1), 177-195. doi: 10.1080/00083968.2019.1677483 (StFX access)
- Fuchs, L. E., Peters, B., & Neufeldt, H. (2019). Identities, interests and preferences matter: Fostering sustainable community development by building assets and agency in western Kenya. Sustainable Development, 27(4), 704-712. doi:10.1002/sd.1934 (StFX access)
- Diochon, M.C., Anderson, A.R., & Ghore, Y. (2017). Microfranchise emergence and its impact on entrepreneurship. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, J 13: 553. doi:10.1007/s11365-016-0414-7 (StFX access)
- Mathie, A., Cameron, J., & Gibson, K. (2017). Asset-based and citizen-led development: Using a diffracted power lens to analyze the possibilities and challenges. Progress in Development Studies, 17(1), 54-66. (StFX access)
- Nguyen, X.T., & Johnson, P. (2017). Transnational conversations in the context of disability rights: Building the potential for global activism. Third World Thematics, 1(3), 396-410. (StFX access)
- Tursunova, Z., & Lobchuck, M. (2016). Immigrant Filipinos as caregivers for Filipino loved ones with chronic illness in Canada. Philippine Journal of Nursing, 86(1), 17-28.
- Manning, S.M., Johnson, P., & Acker-Vernay, J. (2016). Uneasy intersections: Critical understandings of gender and disability in global development. Third World Thematics, 1(3), 292-306. StFX access link. Abstract
- Diochon, M., & Ghore, Y. (2016). Contextualizing a social enterprise opportunity process in an emerging market. Social Enterprise Journal, 12(2), 107-130. doi: 10.1108/SEJ-11-2015-0032
- Bourgeois, R. (2015). Colonial exploitation: The Canadian state and the trafficking of Indigenous women and girls in Canada. UCLA Law Review, 62(6), 1426-1463.
- English, L.M., & Irving, C.J. (2015). Feminism and adult education: The nexus of policy, practice and payment. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education 27(2), 1-15.
- Mathie, A., & Peters, B. (2014). Joint (ad)ventures and (in)credible journeys evaluating innovation: Asset-based community development in Ethiopia. Development in Practice, 24(3), 405-419. StFX access link, Public access link.
- Gaventa, J., & McGee, R. (2013). The impact of transparency and accountability initiatives. Development Policy Review, 31(S1), S3-S28. Link.
- Irving, C.J., & English, L.M. (2011). Community in cyberspace: Gender, social movement learning and the Internet. Adult Education Quarterly, 61(3). Download. (320K pdf)
- Cameron, C., Ghosh, S., & Eaton, S. (2011). Facilitating communities in designing and using their own community health impact assessment tool. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 31(4), 433-437. Link, Download (135K pdf)
- Irving, C.J. (2010). Reviving a community’s adult education past: A case study of the library’s role in learning. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 16(2), 21-35.
- English, L.M., & Irving, C.J. (2008). Reflexive texts: Issues of knowledge, power and discourse in researching gender and learning. Adult Education Quarterly, 58(4), 267-283. Link.
- Irving, C.J., & English, L.M. (2008). Partnering for research: A critical discourse analysis. Studies in Continuing Education, 30(2), 107-118. Download. (73K pdf)
- Turay, T.M., & English, L.M. (2008). Towards a global culture of peace: A transformative model of peace education. Journal of Transformative Education, 6(4), 286-301. Link.
2007 and earlier
- Adams, S. (2005). Promoting community based development at the Coady International Institute. Feliciter, 51(5), 231-234.
- Cameron, C., & Ghosh, S. (2005). Empowering communities. Health Action, 18(8).
- English, L.M., & Irving, C.J. (2007). A review of the Canadian literature on gender and learning. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 20(1), 16-31. Download. (84K pdf)
- Lee, N. (2004). A gold thread: Building assets and courage among SEWAs microfinance members. Critical Half, 2(1), 21-26. Download. (73K pdf)
- Mathie, A. (2002). Including the excluded: Lessons learned from poverty targeting strategies used by micro-finance providers. Development Bulletin, 57, 17-22. Download. (873K pdf)
- Mathie, A., & Cunningham, G. (2005). Who is driving development? Reflections on the transformative potential of asset-based community development. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 26(1), 175-187. Download. (500K pdf)
- Mathie, A., & Cunningham, G. (2003). From clients to citizens: Asset-based community development as a strategy for community driven development. Development in Practice, 13(5). Link, Download. (575K pdf)
- Mathie, A., & Dighe, A. (2001). Participatory project planning (SAVINI): Experiences and lessons. Indian Journal of Open Learning, 10(2), 175-192.
- Misra, R., & Lee, N. (2007). Primary agricultural society linkage: The best remote self-help groups in India can do? Small Enterprise Development, 18(1), 175-187. Link.
- Turay, T.M. (2006). Conflict resolution and peace education in Africa by Ernest Uwazie [Book Review]. Journal of Peace Education, 3(2), 283-285. Link.
Books, Book Chapters & Research Reports
- Kraglund-Gauthier, W.L. (2019). Learning to teach with mobile technologies: Pedagogical implications inside and outside the classroom. In Y.A. Zhang & D. Cristol (Eds.), Handbook of mobile teaching and learning (pp. 1-20). Berlin: Springer.
- Irving, C.J. (2018). Extension in a box: The creation and dispersal of the little library that fed the study clubs of the Antigonish Movement. In B. Kapplinger & Maren Elfert (Eds.), Verlassene orte der erwachsenenbildung in Deutschland=Abandoned places of adult education in Canada (pp. 161-173). Berlin: Peter Lang.
- Mathie, A., et al. (2016). Grass-roots pathways for challenging social and political inequality. In World social science report: Challenging inequalities: pathways to a just world (pp. 259-262). Paris: UNESCO.
- Irving, C.J. (2016). Women working for libraries, learning and social change. In D. Clover, L. Collins, S. Butterwick, & D. Chovanec (Eds.), Women, adult education, learning and leadership in Canada. Toronto, ON: Thompson Educational.
- Irving, C.J. (2016). Women of the Antigonish Movement. In D. Clover, L. Collins, S. Butterwick, & D. Chovanec (Eds.), Women, adult education, learning and leadership in Canada. Toronto, ON: Thompson Educational.
- Brown, S., den Heyer, M., & Black, D.R. (Eds.). (2016). Rethinking Canadian aid, 2nd ed. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press. Download e-book (7 Mb pdf).
- Mathie, A., & Gaventa, J. (2015). Citizen led innovation for a new economy. Fernwood. Purchase.
- Coady, M., & Cameron, C. (2012). Community health impact assessment: Fostering community learning and healthy public policy at the local level. In L.M. English (Ed.), Adult Education and health. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- English, L.M., & Irving, C.J. (2012). Women and transformative learning. In E.W. Taylor & P. Cranton (Eds.), The Handbook of transformative learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Foroughi, B., & Durant, C. (2013). Spaces of community development and adult learning within diverse urban settings. In T. Nesbit, S. Brigham, N. Taber, & T. Gibb (Eds.), Building on critical traditions: Adult education and learning in Canada (pp. 215-224). Toronto: Thompson Educational.
- Foroughi, B., & McCollum, E. (2013). Learning participatory citizenship: Exploring the informal learning of tenant volunteers at Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC). In F. Duguid, D. Mundel, & D. Schugurensky (Eds.), Volunteer work, informal learning and social action. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
- Ghore, Y. (2012). Globalization and access to food: An analysis of challenges and strategies for smallholder farmers in India. In R.S. Stewart & S.A. Karol (Eds.), Food for thought: A multidisciplinary discussion. Sydney: CBU Press.
- Irving, C.J., & English, L.M. (2011). Women, information and communication technologies, and lifelong learning. In V.C.X. Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia of information communication technologies and adult education integration. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Jones, L. (2012). Discussion paper for an M4P WEE Framework: How can the Making Markets Work for the Poor Framework work for poor women and for poor men? Durham, UK: Springfield Centre for Business in Development.
- Mathie, A., & Cunningham, G. (Eds.). (2008). From clients to citizens: Communities changing the course of their own development. Rugby, UK: Practical Action. (Marie Michael Library: 307.112 M426f) Purchase Information.
- Mathie, A., & Cunningham, G. (2008). From clients to citizens: Asset-based community development as a strategy for community-driven development. In J. Rothman, J.L. Erlich, & J.E. Tropman (Eds.), Strategies of community intervention (7th ed.) (pp. 283-297). Peosta, IA: Eddie Bowers Publishing.
- Misra, R. (2010). ITC Choupal Fresh. In M. Harper, (Ed.), Inclusive value chains: A pathway out of poverty. Singapore: World Scientific. (Marie Michael Library: 338.10954 H233i).
2007 and earlier
- Adams, S. (2005). Libraries and adult education. In L.M. English (Ed.), International encyclopedia of adult education. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (Marie Michael Library: 374.003 En36i)
- Bean, W. (2000). Community development and adult education: Locating practice in its roots. In L.M. English & M.A. Gillen (Eds.), Addressing the spiritual dimensions of adult learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Link.
- English, L.M., Irving, C.J., Kennedy, K., & Davidson, T. (2006). Adult education and gender: State of the field report. Report commissioned by the Adult Learning Knowledge Centre, Canadian Council on Learning.
- Hall, B., & Turay, T.M. (2005). Social movement learning: Theorizing a Canadian tradition in adult learning: the state of the field. Report commissioned by the Adult Learning Knowledge Centre, Canadian Council on Learning.
- Mathie, A., & Camozzi, A. (2005). Qualitative research for tobacco control: A how – to introductory manual for researchers and development practitioners. Ottawa: IDRC/RITC. Download. (6.94 Mb pdf)
- Mathie, A., & Greene, J. (2002). Honoring difference and dialogue in international education and development: Mixed-method frameworks for research. In L. Bresler & A. Ardichvili (Eds.), Research in international education: Experience, theory, & practice. New York: Peter Lang. (Marie Michael Library: 370.72 B754r)
- Turay, T.M. (2005). Peace education. In L.M. English (Ed.), International encyclopedia of adult education. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (Marie Michael Library: 374.003 En36i)
- Turay, T.M. (2005). Popular education. In L.M. English (Ed.), International encyclopedia of adult education. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (Marie Michael Library: 374.003 En36i)
Conference Presentations & Proceedings
- den Heyer, M. (2017). Panelist “The International Assistance Review and the Future of Canadian Development Cooperation.” CASID, Ryerson University.
- Irving, C.J. (2017). Information access and activism: Libraries and resource centres promoting and curating people’s knowledge. Proceedings of 46th Annual Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults, G. Kong, E. Boeren (Eds.), University of Edinburgh, July 4-6 (pp. 212-218).
- Irving, C.J., & English, L.M. (2015). International policies in adult education: A critical feminist analysis. Proceedings of the 34th annual conference of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, (pp. 160-164), June 3-5, Université de Montréal. Download full proceedings.
- Cunningham, G., & Mathie, A. (2015). Lessons from the field: ABCD in the Global South. ABCD Festival, Blackpool, June 15-19.
- Lee, N., Irving, C., & Francuz, J. (2014). Community-embedded learning and experimentation: Fostering spaces for transformative learning online. In A. Nicolaides & D. Holt (Eds.), Spaces of transformation and transformation of space: Proceedings of XI Transformative Learning Conference, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, October 24-26. Download
- Foroughi, B., Garbary, R., Barlow, L., & Jaine, M. (2013). Towards an inclusive green local economy: The work of PUSH. Presentation at the conference on Citizen-Led Sustainable Change: Innovations in North American Community Development, June 23-25. Coady International Institute, Antigonish, NS.
- Foroughi, B. (2013). Teaching social change through dilemmas that define us! Presentation at the International Conference on Transformative Learning Meets Bildung, June 20-22, University of Education at Frieburg, Germany.
- Foroughi, B., & Langdon, J. (2013). Experiential learning revisited, again and again: The impacts of building layers of experiential and transformative learning into development studies curricula. Presentation at the 32nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for the Study of International Development, June 3-5. University of Victoria, Victoria, BC.
- Foroughi, B., & McVicar, J. (2013). Responding to crisis through healing and transformation: A case study of Kaqla Maya Women’s Group in Guatemala. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for the Studies in Adult Education. Victoria University, BC.
- Foroughi, B., & Langdon, J. (2013). Experiential learners or learners with experience? Contrasting Coady Institute and St. Francis Xavier’s Development Studies program approaches to building social change learning contexts. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for the Studies in Adult Education. Victoria University, BC.
- Foroughi, B. (2013). Exploring the challenges in creating enabling structures for participation and learning within Toronto Community Housing. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for the Studies in Adult Education. Victoria University, BC.
- Cameron, C., & Irving, C. (2012). 50+ years of educating for citizen participation: Lessons from the Coady International Institute. North American IAP2 Conference, September 30-October 2, Halifax.
- Cameron, C. (2012). Community engagement in HIA: The value of lay knowledge. 12th International Conference on Health Impact Assessment, August 28-30, Quebec.
- Gaventa, J., & Irving, C. (2012). Real Utopian lessons from the 20th century U.S. and Canadian history: Participatory institution building by the state and the people. Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 17-20, Denver, Colorado.
- Foroughi, B., & Durant, C. (2012). Urban spaces of creation, convergence and collaboration. In S. Brigham (Ed.), Proceedings of the 31st annual conference of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, (pp. 124-130), May 28-June 1, Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, ON. Download. (240K pdf)
- Irving, C., & Adams, S. (2012). Not so quiet after all: Two outspoken librarians of the Antigonish Movement. In S. Brigham (Ed.), Proceedings of the 31st annual conference of the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education, (pp. 173-179), May 28-June 1, Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, ON. Download. (40K pdf)
- Foroughi, B., Irving, C., & Savage, S. (2011). A local case of global learning: critical reflections on leadership education for international community development practitioners. In A.-M. Houghton, (Ed.), Proceedings of the 41st Annual Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults, pp.41-48. Download. (81K pdf).
- Foroughi, B., Irving, C., & Savage, S. (2011). Learning leadership for community action. Pre-conference Roundtable Presentation, Honouring CASAE: Past, Present and Future. June 8, OISE/UT Toronto.
- Irving, C.J., & English, L.M. (2011). Transformative learning with women: A critical review proposing linkages for the personal and political spheres. Proceedings of the 52nd National Conference of the AERC and the 30th National Conference of CASAE, OISE-University of Toronto, June 9-12, pp. 305-312. Download. (54K pdf)
- Mathie, A., & Ghore, Y. (2011). Innovative types of formal member-based organizations (MBOs): Interpreting the trends. Presented at the Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research Meetings, June 1-3, Fredericton, NB. Download. (611K pdf).
- Okafo, D. (2011). Graffiti on the Blackboard©: Exploring defiance, criticality, and creativity within online learning spaces. Presented at the SRHE Newer Researchers Conference, Dec. 6-7, Newport, Wales. Abstracts. (460K pdf)
- Cameron, C., & Irving, C. (2010). From the farm to the future: What is the role of adult education? Presented at the Atlantic Agronomists Conference, November 5, Truro, NS.
- Foroughi, B. (2010). Making sense of tenants’ learning. Proceedings of the 29th National CASAE Conference, Concordia University, Montreal, May 30-June 1. Download. (183K pdf)
- Foroughi, B., McLeod, D., & Armitage, K. (2010). Rural development and community development councils in Afghanistan. Presented at the National Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for the Study of International Development, Concordia University, Montreal, May 31-June 2.
- Irving, C. (2010). Adult educators in the library. Proceedings of the 29th National CASAE Conference, Concordia University, Montreal, May 30-June 1.Download. (35K pdf)
- Irving, C. (2010). Reviving a community’s proud past to contemplate its future. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (SCUTREA), University of Warwick, July 6-8, 2010. Download. (35K pdf)
- Irving, C., & English, L.M. (2010). Women’s ways of e-learning. Proceedings of the Canadian Association for the Study of Women and Education National Conference, Concordia University, Montreal, May 29-June 1.
- Mathie, A. (2010). Learning from communities that are driving their own development. Symposium presentation, Back to the ABCDs: Creating an enabling environment for socioeconomic development at grassroots level through community-driven initiatives, University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria, March 23-24.
- Mathie, A., Ghore, Y., & Gladkikh, O. (2010). Member-based organizations: Trends and innovations. Presented at the 3rd annual conference of the Association of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, Concordia University, Montreal, June 2-4.
- Cameron, C. (2009). Community driven health impact assessment: Safe-guarding community well-being. Presented at the 29th Annual IAIA Conference, May 16-22, Accra.
- Irving, C., & English, L.M. (2009). Feminist network activism and education in Canada. Proceedings of the 28th National CASAE Conference, Carleton University, May 25-27. Download. (66K pdf)
- Mathie, A. (2009). Moses Coady and the Antigonish Movement: What is its relevance for community development today? Plenary presentation, Toronto Community Development Institute Spring Conference, June. Download. (25K pdf)
- Fletcher, D., Irving, C., Cameron, C., & Gladkikh, O. (2008). Facilitating transformative learning for participatory governance: Inspired by the Antigonish Movement, challenged by the Great Turning. Presented at the Transformative Learning Conference, University of Toronto, October 16-18.
- Foroughi, B. (2008). Prospects and challenges of democratic learning in democratic settings: The case of Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC). Presented at the Transformative Learning Conference, University of Toronto, October 16-18.
- Mathie, A. (2008). From clients to citizens: How an asset-based approach can change the practice and perception of community development. Presented at the Canadian Association of South Asia Studies (CASA), University of Waterloo.
- Mathie, A., & Polestico, R. (2008). From strength to strength: Insights from an asset-based approach to development in three communities in the Philippines. Presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, April 15-19.
- Adams, S. (2007). Zealots, ambassadors, activists: Libraries and adult education in early 20th century Nova Scotia. Canadian Library Association National Conference, St. John’s, NL, May 23-26.
- Adams, S. (2007). The big adventure: Canadian library workers go abroad. Panelist/Presenter at Canadian Library Association National Conference, St. John’s, NL, May 23-26.
- Cameron, C. & Ghosh, S. (2007). Empowering communities with their own community health impact assessment tool. Presented at the South East Asian and Oceania Health Impact Assessment Conference, Sydney, Australia, November 7-9.
- English, L.M. & Irving, C. (2007). Partnering for research: A critical discourse analysis. Proceedings of the 37th annual SCUTREA Conference, Queens University Belfast, July 3-5. Link.
- English, L.M., Irving, C., & Kennedy, K. (2007). Interrogating gender texts: A critical review of the literature. Proceedings of the AERC-CASAE Joint Conference, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, June 6-9.
- Gladkikh, O., & Lee, N. (2007). Story as process: Storytelling in adult education and community development. Storytelling Symposium, Cape Breton University, Sydney, NS, June 8-9.
- Irving, C., & English, L.M. (2007). Critical texts: Issues of knowledge, power and discourse in researching gender and learning. Proceedings of the AERC-CASAE Joint Conference, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, June 6-9.
- Lee, N. (2007). Institutions for expanding outreach of financial products and services. Presented at the International Conference on Rural Finance Research: Moving Results into Policy and Practice, FAO, Rome, March 19-21.
- Peters, N., English, L.M., & Irving, C. (2007). Researching the intersection of local and academic knowledge on gender: Academics working with community based women’s organizations. Proceedings of the AERC-CASAE Joint Conference, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, June 6-9. Roundtable presentation.
- Cameron, C. & Ghosh, S. (2006). Strengthening communities through community health impact assessment. Presented at the Strength Based Strategies Conference, Hyderabad, India, November 10-12. Download (32K pdf)
- Cameron, C. (2006). Presentation on community development and health. First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) Staff Conference, October 25.
- Coyle, M., Wehrell, R., & MacDonald, J. (2006). Small is beautiful, big is necessary: Canada’s commercial and cooperative answers to the global challenge of microfinance access. Global Microcredit Summit, Halifax, Nova Scotia, November 12-15.
- English, L.M., & Irving, C. (2006). Workers for the state: Knowledge, power and discourse in research on gender and learning. In N. Taber (Ed.), Proceedings of the CASAE Atlantic Regional Conference, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, March 31-April 1.
- English, L.M., Irving, C., & Kennedy, K. (2006). Representation, reflexivity and resistance: Critical issues in feminist research. In L.M. English & J. Groen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 25th National CASAE Conference, York University, Toronto, May 28-30, pp. 79-84.
- Foster, M. (2006). ABCD. Presented at the International Rural Development Conference, Sustainable Livelihoods and Ecosystem Health: Informing Policy, Practice and Research, University of Guelph, June 4-7.
- Lee, N. (2006). Rural remote microfinance and selfish genes. Microcredit Summit, Halifax, November 12-15. Download (388K pdf)
- Mathie, A. (2006). Does ABCD deliver on social justice? International Association of Community Development, CIVICUS World Assembly, Glasgow, June. Panel presentation. Download (259K pdf)
- Turay, T.M., & Chow, W. (2006). Social movements learning: State of the art. Presented at the National Symposium of the Adult Learning Knowledge Centre, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, June 21-23.
- Adams, S. (2005). The library movement and adult education: Renewing the links in a global context. Canadian Library Association, Ottawa, Ontario, June. Poster presentation.
- Cameron, C. (2005). Community health, community development. Presentation/workshop for the Victorian Order of Nurses National Conference, Saint John, New Brunswick, November 5.
- Cameron, C. (2005). Empowering communities by applying community health impact assessment. Download (27K pdf)
- Turay, T.M. (2005). State of practice case study. Access, Enterprise and Catholic Social Traditions Conference, Notre Dame University, July 30. Panel presentation.
- Cunningham, G., & El-Hadidy, W. (2004). Asset-based community development and collaborative community action. CIVICUS World Assembly, Gabarone, Botswana, March 22. Workshop.
- Lee, N. (2004). Microfinance, economic justice and citizen capacity: The case of SEWA Bank. CIVICUS World Assembly, Gabarone, Botswana, March 22. Download (1.94Mb pdf)
- Mathie, A. (2004). Investing in communities. World Bank Institute Conference on Local Development, Washington, DC.
- Adams, S. (2003). Beyond neutrality: Libraries, social responsibility and peacebuilding. Presented at the Nova Scotia Library Association Conference, Dundee, NS, October 25.
- Turay, T.M. (2004). Peace movements and activism. Presented at Peacemaking in the 21st Century Conference, University of Maine, June 18-20.
- Walsh, T. (2006). Environment as a cross-cutting theme in grassroots development. Salt of the Earth Conference, Nova Scotia Environment Network, October 19-22. Invited paper.
- Coyle, M. (2003). Entrepreneurship for social justice: Lessons from around the world. Presented to the Acadia Centre for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS, March 6.
- Cunningham, G., & Panchal, P. (2003). Financial education. SEEP Network Annual General Meeting, Washington, DC, October 24.
- Mathie, A., & Cunningham, G. (2003). Who is driving development? Reflections on the transformative potential of asset-based community development. Presented at the conference “Participation: From Tyranny to Transformation”, University of Manchester, 27-28 February. Download (165K pdf)
- Okafo, D. (2003). From Prigogine to Freire: Attending to non-linearity in complex, online social, organization in ICTD design. Presented at the IRFD conference on Digital Divide, Global Development and the Information Society organized for the United Nations World Summit on the Information Society, Geneva, December 8-10. Download (120K pdf)
- Coyle, M. (2001). Microenterprise and microfinance: Presenting a global perspective. Symposium Furthering Social and Economic Development in Jamaica. Download (55K pdf)
- Coyle, M. (2001). People first: Pursuing a just economy. Download (37K pdf)
- Cunningham, G. (2000). Microfinance: Flavour of the month or practical development alternative? Yukon Economic Forum. Download (50K pdf)
- Coyle, M. (2000). A personal perspective on the evolution of microcredit in the late 20th century. Download (68K pdf)
- Build Together: Strengthening the Community Housing Sector in Nova Scotia, Thematic Briefs
- Citizen-Led Innovation for a New Economy, hosted by StFX’s Extension Department and Coady International Institute in June 2013.
- Citizenship as Agency, hosted by Coady in June 2014.
- From Clients to Citizens: Deepening the Practice of Asset-Based and Citizen-Led Development, hosted by Coady and co-sponsored by the Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) Institute at Northwestern University, USA, July 2009.
- Learning and Innovations Institute, convened by Coady and sponsored by the Conference Secretariat of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), and Rights & Democracy.
- Open Access Movement and Information for Development, Coady convened this online discussion from May 29 to June 9, 2006.
- Research for Change, learning forum hosted by Coady with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and its partners in November 2013.
- SDGs and Affordable Housing, Webinars and People’s Schools