Leadership for Economic and Social Change

Coady Institute offers educational programming for emerging and established community leaders with a passion for social change.

News and Events

Celebrating National Indigenous People’s Day

Celebrating National Indigenous People’s Day

Today, June 21, is the summer solstice and the 25th National Indigenous Peoples Day, a day for all Canadians on Turtle Island to recognize and celebrate the culture, heritage, and contributions of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples just as Indigenous peoples have for generations. Read more…

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StFX espi-kina’matno’kuom etek Mi’kma’ki, wejkwa’taqanik Mi’kmaq maqamikewmuew mna’q iknmuetu’tik. Nalikitquniejk na Mi’kmawey wisun wjit Antigonish teluek Aklasie’w-iktuk, ‘place where branches are torn off.’ 


StFX is located in Mi’kma’ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaw people. The Mi’kmaw name for Antigonish is Nalikitquniejk, meaning ‘place where branches are torn off.’