Leadership for Economic and Social Change

Coady Institute offers educational programming for emerging and established community leaders with a passion for social change.

News and Events

IDW: Youth Leaders #GoForTheGoals

IDW: Youth Leaders #GoForTheGoals

Supporting integration and empowerment for Canada’s newcomers, developing solutions for chronic homelessness, improving inclusion for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities – young leaders are taking charge of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by leading development initiatives in their communities.

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IDW: Health and Wellness across Turtle Island

IDW: Health and Wellness across Turtle Island

Coady’s Indigenous Women in Community Development program supports First Nations, Métis and Inuit women committed to fostering development and creating social change in their organizations, communities and Nations. Participants Jasmine Collis and Lisa Osawamick are creating impact in their respective communities by providing and supporting health and wellness initiatives.

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IDW: Decent Work and Economic Growth for Women in Zimbabwe

IDW: Decent Work and Economic Growth for Women in Zimbabwe

“You just have to find ways to survive somehow. And like most women, we have to just look at wherever the opportunities are and go for it.”
GAWN supports women in creating and maintaining income opportunities through self-employment. They offer workshops in enterprise and finance, networking and peer-support opportunities, and host business exposure visits.

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StFX espi-kina’matno’kuom etek Mi’kma’ki, wejkwa’taqanik Mi’kmaq maqamikewmuew mna’q iknmuetu’tik. Nalikitquniejk na Mi’kmawey wisun wjit Antigonish teluek Aklasie’w-iktuk, ‘place where branches are torn off.’ 


StFX is located in Mi’kma’ki, the unceded ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaw people. The Mi’kmaw name for Antigonish is Nalikitquniejk, meaning ‘place where branches are torn off.’