UN SDGs and Affordable Housing in Nova Scotia

People’s Schools
A people’s school is a traditional methodology of the Antigonish Movement and the StFX Extension Department. It brings people together to discuss a contemporary issue of importance starting with the knowledge of the people. New information is often introduced and new knowledge created. People’s Schools also foster action for all who participate. As part of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and Affordable Housing in Nova Scotia project, five people’s schools were convened.
The Role of Municipalities and Affordable Housing
The last of Five Online People’s Schools on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Affordable Housing in Nova Scotia. View the recording.
Diversity Equity Inclusion Decolonization and Affordable Housing
This webinar was cancelled. The fourth of Five Online People’s Schools on theUnited Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Affordable Housing in Nova Scotia. This webinar has been cancelled.
Health Outcomes and Affordable Housing
The second of Five Online People’s Schools on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Affordable Housing in Nova Scotia. Click to view webinar recording.
Environmental Sustainability and Affordable Housing
The third of Five Online People’s Schools on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Affordable Housing in Nova Scotia. Click to view the recording
Affordable Housing and Poverty
The first of five Online People’s Schools on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Affordable Housing in Nova Scotia. View the recorded webinar and read the thematic brief.