In November, St. Francis Xavier University (StFX)’s Coady Institute celebrated a significant milestone for its Circle of Abundance – Amplifying Indigenous Women’s Leadership initiative. In a virtual event, Indigenous Program Lead Karri-Lynn Paul announced that the...
Media ReleaseAntigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada — St. Francis Xavier University’s Coady Institute is announcing a significant milestone for the Circle of Abundance – Amplifying Indigenous Women’s Leadership initiative that launched earlier this year with...
One of the key components of Coady Institute’s Indigenous Women in Community Leadership (IWCL) program is connecting program participants with the guidance and support of experienced Indigenous women mentors. Gaya’do:węhs Lu Ann Hill-MacDonald is a Mohawk woman of the...
As with many things, it began with a phone call. For Marie Delorme that phone call came from a colleague 11 years ago, and included an invitation to have dinner with Mary Coyle. At that time, Mary was the executive director of Coady Institute; she is now a Canadian...
Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively donate $200,000 to StFX’s Coady Institute Today, St. Francis Xavier University’s Coady Institute is excited to announce the launch of the Circle of Abundance – Amplifying Indigenous Women’s Leadership with a goal of raising $1m to...