Coady Staff Members Contribute to Publications

Coady Staff Members Contribute to Publications

After having work published in late 2018, Coady staff member Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier (Manager, Networks and Ongoing Learning) has added another publication to her repertoire. “Learning to Teach with Mobile Technologies: Pedagogical Implications In and Outside the...
2019 Programs Highlight Sustainable Development Goals

2019 Programs Highlight Sustainable Development Goals

Be the first to experience these newly designed programs that aim to meet modern development needs and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Social Enterprise for Inclusive Local Economies May 27 – Jun 7, 2019 – APPLY NOW Examine the for-profit and...
Supporting Coady with David Martin

Supporting Coady with David Martin

Coady International Institute supporter David Martin of COMART Foundation reflects on why he believes supporting Coady’s mission is important and impactful today as much as 60 years ago. Your support for global leaders creates the change the world needs right...
Amit family Donation Supports Women Leaders

Amit family Donation Supports Women Leaders

Coady International Institute extends its gratitude to former Coady Director Dr. Harris (Eric) Amit (1991-1994) and his family (children Minoli, Hilary, Udeni and son-in-law Peter Tufts) for their recent generous donation in memory of his late wife Amybelle Amit. The...
Support Coady

Support Coady

“Our mission is participatory restoration and conservation of the Nzoia River Basin, using both ecofriendly agricultural practices and enhancement of biodiversity. Climate smart agriculture driven by local communities is our goal. At Coady, I hope to open up myself to...