Ave Maria in Cree

Ave Maria in Cree

Rhonda Head is a participant in Coady’s Indigenous Women in Community Leadership program. She is an event planner, a brain tumor survivor, and a five-time international classical award-winning artist. On October 17, 2018 she released her latest single, Ave Maria in...
Rethinking Partnerships with Municipal Leaders

Rethinking Partnerships with Municipal Leaders

Last week, Coady’s Rethinking Partnerships class welcomed Town of Antigonish Mayor Laurie Bouchie, to campus. She visited with the 27 participants of the Rethinking Partnership elective and certificate class. Most recently, the Town of Antigonish announced partnership...
Lifelong Learning and the Fight for Social Justice

Lifelong Learning and the Fight for Social Justice

Coady alumna returns to StFX as Coady Chair in Social Justice South African born Coady graduate, Sadi Motsuenyane, has more than 50 years of community development experience. Retired from the Government of South Africa as the former Chief Director of Sustainable...
Oceanpath Fellowship: Improving Menstrual Health in India

Oceanpath Fellowship: Improving Menstrual Health in India

Corrina Vali, a participant in the yearlong OceanPath Fellowship for youth leaders, was born and raised in Godhra, India. As part of the Fellowship, these Canadian University partner graduates must chose an initiative to plan and implement in a community of their...
Salome Nduta Mbugua to Receive Human Rights Award

Salome Nduta Mbugua to Receive Human Rights Award

Salome Nduta Mbugua (Global Change Leaders, 2016), a Protection Officer for the National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders in Kenya will be awarded the inaugural Scottish Bar International Human Rights Award at a ceremony in Edinburg this November. The award aims...