Coady News

Message from our Executive Director

Message from our Executive Director

As communities around the world face the Covid-19 (novel coronavirus) pandemic, I want you to know, on behalf of Coady Institute and St. Francis Xavier University Extension, that each and every one of you is in our thoughts during this time of great uncertainty. The ongoing spread of COVID-19 is affecting all of our communities, leading to changes in our daily lives that few of us could have imagined only a week or two ago.

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Postponement: Global Change Leaders

Dear Women Leaders, The world as we know it has been overturned by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of our countries are in various states of curfew and lockdown and all of us are being encouraged by local, national and global health authorities to significantly change our...

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Coronavirus – COVID19 update

Coronavirus – COVID19 update

Coady Institute and StFX University are following the developments of COVID-19. All organizational travel has been suspended until further notice. We will continue to provide updates, including impacts on educational program offerings, as the situation evolves. You...

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Introducing the Newest Cohort of Canadian Youth Leaders

Introducing the Newest Cohort of Canadian Youth Leaders

Fellows will work with community partners to implement a broad diversity of projects, from developing computer literacy for newcomers in Moncton, to tackling mental health stigma through participatory arts in Malawi, to enhancing environmental awareness and action in Ghana.

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Indigenous Women Leaders Celebrate Graduation

Indigenous Women Leaders Celebrate Graduation

Eighteen Indigenous women leaders from across Canada have graduated from the award-winning Indigenous Women in Community Leadership Enhanced Mentorship Program. Offered since 2011, the program supports First Nations, Métis, and Inuit women who are committed to creating social change in their organizations, communities, and Nations.

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L’Institut Coady de StFX s’apprête à diriger un projet de 10 millions de dollars à l’appui du leadership des femmes

L’Institut Coady de StFX s’apprête à diriger un projet de 10 millions de dollars à l’appui du leadership des femmes

Le projet, intitulé ENGAGEZ-VOUS! Autonomisation des femmes et citoyenneté active, permettra à l’Institut Coady de travailler avec des organisations sur le terrain au sein de collectivités dans cinq pays (Bangladesh, Éthiopie, Haïti, Inde et Tanzanie) en vue de renforcer les capacités individuelles et organisationnelles tout en fournissant aux femmes des outils et des possibilités d’accroître leur propre autonomie.

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Welcoming Participants for New Online Climate Course

Welcoming Participants for New Online Climate Course

We are pleased to welcome 13 global leaders from 8 countries as they begin the Climate Basics for Community Resilience online course. Participants will be logging in from Afghanistan, Canada, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Mexico, Sri Lanka, and Zimbabwe.

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