Marie Michael Library

Canadian Women’s Foundation Leadership Institute

This course is not currently offered.

Women’s Economic Empowerment

Non-Hierarchical Organizational Models


Human Resource Development

Conflict Management

Board Governance

  • Institute on Governance, resources related to aboriginal governance and good governance as it relates to government and government policies (i.e. health or education policies).

Organizational Change

Financial Management

Strategic Alliances and Partnerships

Community Engagement and System Change

Strategy, Gender and the Non-Profit Sector in Canada

Best Practice Organizations



  • Because I am a Girl is a global initiative to end gender inequality, promote girls’ rights, and give them equal access to health care, education, protection, independence, and an opportunity to participate in society.
  • Canada Learning Code believes that digital skills are tools of empowerment. 
  • Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) is a research institute providing information on issues on social, economic and environmental justice.
  • Equal Voice is dedicated to electing more women to all levels of political office in Canada.
  • Idle No More is a grassroots protest movement originating among the Aboriginal peoples in Canada and their non-Aboriginal supporters in Canada and internationally. The movement responds to alleged legislative abuses of indigenous treaty rights by the current federal government and the federal omnibus Bill C-45 by promoting environmental protection and indigenous sovereignty.
  • No More Stolen Sisters advocates for a national action plan to stop violence against women in response to a growing number of missing and murdered Aboriginal women.
  • Nobel Women’s Initiative promotes the world of women’s rights activists, researchers, and organizations worldwide who are addressing the root causes of violence, to strengthen and expand the global movement to advance nonviolence, peace, justice and equality.
  • Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women (OCTEVAW) is a network of organizations and individuals working in advocacy, education, and promotion of services for women and children experiencing abuse, and the free exchange of information.
  • Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF) works for the equality rights of women and girls under the law through litigation and education.
  • YWCA Canada is the country’s oldest and largest women’s multi-service organization. It provides shelter to women, children and teen girls.