Coady News

Coady’s Adam Baden-Clay Receives Teaching Award

Coady’s Adam Baden-Clay Receives Teaching Award

Adam Baden-Clay (Manager, Youth Programs) will receive the St. Francis Xavier University (StFX) Outstanding Staff Teaching Award at the university’s December convocation ceremony, December 5. The award recognizes teaching staff at StFX who have contributed exceptionally to students’ learning experiences.

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A Conversation with Rudy Karsan

A Conversation with Rudy Karsan

Kitchen Table Webinar Series On The Future Of Work And Workers A Conversation with Rudy Karsan Wednesday, December 2, 202010:00 to 10:10 AM AST Rudy Karsan founded Kenexa in 1987 and built it into one of the world’s most successful...

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Women Weave Change in Latin America: Course Equips Women with Capacities to Transform their Communities

Women Weave Change in Latin America: Course Equips Women with Capacities to Transform their Communities

Between November 2-20, Coady International Institute, in partnership with EPES, held its first leadership course for Latin American women, bringing together 24 grassroots leaders from 13 countries. Originally planned as an in-person seminar in Santiago, circumstances of the pandemic compelled an online format. Participants in this vivid expression of Latin American diversity—students, indigenous women, community educators, feminists, rural leaders and urban activists—shared two salient characteristics: all were women and all were striving to transform their respective communities.

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Webinar: Just Transition Towards An Inclusive Economy

Webinar: Just Transition Towards An Inclusive Economy

In this discussion, we will be joined by two dynamic leaders Reema Nanavaty, Director, Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), India and Armine Yalnizyan, Atkinson Fellow on the Future of Workers as they share perspectives on Transition Towards a Just, Secure and Dignified Future of Work for all.

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Webinar: Engaging Male Youth in Gender Equality

Webinar: Engaging Male Youth in Gender Equality

Dec 9, 10am AST – Presenters from different countries will share about their work engaging male youth in gender equality, challenging gender stereotypes, and promoting positive concepts of masculinity and respect for human rights and dignity. This webinar is intended to provide space for sharing and dialogue on the possibilities, challenges, and strategies for engaging male youth in gender equality.

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The Coady Connection

The Coady Connection

Read the November edition of The Coady Connection. We are pleased to share with you this collection of stories, accomplishments, and news from the past three months.

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