Marie Michael Library
Women’s Leadership for Community Development
Self and Leadership
- Mayer, S.A.B. (2015). Double listening and the danger of a single story. Wisdom in Education, 5(2).
- SUNY Cortland. (n.d.). Mind styles: Anthony Gregorc.
- TED Talks. (n.d.). How to be a great leader [Playlist].
- TED Talk. (2020). The danger of a single story: Chimamanda Adichie 2020 [Video]. (18:49 min.)
Gender and Power
- Koester, D. (2015, May 21). Gender and power: Six links and one big opportunity. Developmental Leadership Program (DLP).
- – understanding power for social change.
Community, Context And Domains Of Change
- GlobalFundforWomen. (2015, April 29). How does Global Fund for Women measure social change? [Video]. Youtube. (3:51 min.)
Strengthening Organizations for Community-Driven Development
- Coady Institute. (2020, September 29). Skills workshop: Amplifying your voice: answering your questions about communicating effectively [Video]. Youtube. (60 min.)
- Tulshyan, R., & Burey, J.-A. (2021, February 11). Stop telling women they have imposter syndrome. Harvard Business Review.
Understanding Movements and Movement Building
- English, L, & Peters, N. (2011). Founders’ syndrome in women’s nonprofit organizations: Implications for practice and organizational life. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 22(2), 159-171. (StFX only)
- Horn, J. (2013). Gender and social movements: Overview report. IDS.
- Sekhar, M., & Plotkin-Madrigal, A. (2019, March 28). So you want to start a movement? Read this first. Ashoka, Forbes.
- TED2010. (2010, February). Derek Sivers: How to start a movement [Video]. TED Talks. (2:54 min.)
- TEDIndia. (2009, November). Kavita Ramdas: Radical women, embracing tradition [Video]. TED Talks. (18:25 min.)
Recommended Resources
- Journals:
- Artz, L., et al. (Eds.). (2019). Spotlight on women’s leadership in African contexts [issue]. Agenda, 33(1). (StFX only)
- Gender and Development is published by Taylor & Francis and provides many of its articles free online.
- Crone, T., de Graaf, K., Stevenson, J., Nyambura, C., & Johnson, E. (2018). #WhatWomenWant: A new accountability paradigm and expanded accountability mechanisms through leveraging social media, catalysing movements, and building leadership. Agenda, 32(1), 87-96. (StFX only)
- Feruglio, F., Lestari, N., Bell, E., & Brock, K. (2017). Building safe spaces to support young women’s participation in local governance in Indonesia (Making all voices count practice paper). IDS.
- Gysman, N. (2018). Beyond the numbers: Does a high number of women in political corridors translate into delivery of Sustainable Development Goals 5 on gender equality and 16 on peace and security in the SADC region? Agenda, 32(1), 46-59. (StFX only)
- Horn, J. (2020). Decolonising emotional well-being and mental health in development: African feminist innovations. Gender and Development, 28(1), 85-98. (StFX only)
- Leiper O’Malley, D., & Johnson, R. (2018). A young feminist new order: An exploration of why young feminists organise the way they do. Gender and Development, 26(3), 533-550. (StFX only)
- Majiet, S., & Africa, A. (2015). Women with disabilities in leadership: The challenges of patriarchy. Agenda, 29(2), 101-111. (StFX only)
- Moussié, R., & Alfers, L. (2018). Women informal workers demand child care: Shifting narratives on women’s economic empowerment in Africa. Agenda, 32(1), 119-131. (StFX only)
- Muriaas, R. L., Wang, V., Benstead, L. J., Dulani, B., & Rakner, L. (2017). It takes a female chief: Gender and effective policy advocacy in Malawi (Working paper no. 11). The Program on Governance and Local Development, University of Gothenburg.
- Scheepers, E., & Lakhani, I. (2020). Caution! Feminists at work: Building organisations from the inside out. Gender and Development, 28(1), 117-133. (StFX only)
- Wakefield, S. (2020). Re-imagining resilience: Supporting feminist women to lead development with transformative practice. Gender and Development, 28(1), 155-174. (StFX only)
Additional Resources
Community Driven Development
- Asset-Based and Citizen-Led Development (ABCD), Coady course content.
- Agenda Magazine is a feminist media organisation focused on women’s rights and gender issues.
- Hill, C. (2011). Enabling rural women’s economic empowerment: Institutions, opportunities, and participation. Paper prepared for an Expert Group Meeting on Enabling rural women’s economic empowerment institutions, opportunities and participation, Accra, Ghana, September 20-23. (186K pdf)
- FEMNET. (2012, February 7). Economic governance: African women’s engagement in trade agreements [Video]. Youtube. (10:54 min.)
- Musa, R. & Idembe, C. (Eds.). (2011). Promoting women’s economic empowerment through gender responsive trade agreements: Experiences from Egypt, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Zambia. FEMNET. (4.34 Mb pdf)
- Pereznieto, P. & Taylor, G. (2014). A review of approaches and methods to measure economic empowerment of women and girls. Gender & Development, 22(2), 233-251.
- UN Women. (2013, September 23). Economic empowerment [Video]. Youtube. (1:58 min.)
Gender Mainstreaming
- Derbyshire, H. (2002). Gender manual: A practical guide for development policy makers and practitioners. DFID. (340K pdf)
- Gender Mainstreaming Learning & Information Packs, developed by the UNDP Learning Resources Centre.
- UNDP. (2007). Gender mainstreaming in practice: A toolkit (3rd ed.). (685K pdf)
- Xiaoqiao, Z. (2011). Trends in the implementation of Article 14 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Paper presented to an Expert Group Meeting on Enabling rural women’s economic empowerment institutions, opportunities and participation, Accra, Ghana, September 20-23. (95K pdf)
- Gender equality and HIV/AIDS, UN Women’s resource portal for gender equality dimensions of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Organizational Management and Women’s Leadership
- Management Library – a collection of articles on a wide range of management topics.
- Hoare, J. & Gell, F. (2008). Women’s leadership and participation: Overview. In Women’s leadership and participation: case studies on learning for action (pp. 1-17). Oxfam GB. (Library has copy: 301.1550082 H651w.)
- Whitman, T. & Gomez, J. (2009). Bringing women into government. Strategies for Policymakers, 1. (485K pdf)
- Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership
Statistics and Comparative Data
- Gender Data Portal, World Bank.
- WomenWatch, UN Statistics and Indicators.
Violence and Conflict
- Ending violence against women, resources from UNIFEM.
- Rehn, E. & Sirleaf, E. J. (Eds.). (2002). Violence against women. In Women, war, peace: The independent experts’ assessment on the impact of armed conflict on women and women’s role in peace-building (pp. 9-18). UN Women. (35K pdf)
- African Women’s Development Fund
- ARROW – Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women promotes women’s health and rights.
- AWID: Association for Women’s Rights in Development
- Civicus Network
- The Communication Initiative Network
- Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN)
- Equitas: International Centre for Human Rights Education
- IDEA: Democracy and Gender
- ISIS International Manila is a feminist NGO working through media and ICTs towards achieving women’s human rights and facilitating women’s movements in the global South.
- Mama Cash provides grants to projects by women’s groups who want to change the socio-political and cultural position of women around the world.
- New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD)
- Peace Women
- Thomson Reuters Foundation, a global hub for free legal assistance, news and information on good governance and women’s rights.