Marie Michael Library
Food Security
Climate Change & Food Security
- Bell-Sheeter, A. (2004). Food sovereignity assessment tool. First Nations Development Institute. (2.17 Mb pdf)
- Fook, A. (2011). Gender, IFIs, and food insecurity. Published by Gender Action. (1.28 Mb pdf)
- The Gaia Foundation works against climate change by regenerating ecosystems, enhancing traditional knowledge and practices and strengthening community self-governance.
- Government Office for Science. (2011). The future of food and farming: Challenges and choices for global sustainability: final project report. (4.26 Mb pdf)
- Institute for Food and Development Policy / Food First analyzes the causes of global hunger, poverty, and ecological degradation and develops solutions.
- Naylor, R., et al. (2007). The ripple effect: Biofuels, food security and the environment. Environment, 49(9), 31-43. (StFX only)
- Pettit, J. (2004). Climate justice: A new social movement for atmospheric rights. IDS Bulletin, 35(3), 102-106. (StFX only)
- Portier, C.J., et al. (2010). A human health perspective on climate change: A report outlining the research needs on the human health effects of climate change. Environmental Health Perspectives and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. (5.0 Mb pdf)
- Reid, H., et al. (Eds.). (2009). Community-based adaptation to climate change. PLA Notes, no. 60. (1.37 Mb pdf)
- United Nations. (2010). Climate change: Food and nutrition security implications. SCN News, no. 38. (5.42 Mb pdf)
- WHYHunger is a leader in the fight against global hunger and poverty. It strives to end hunger and poverty by connecting people to nutritious, affordable food and by supporting grassroots initiatives that inspire community empowerment.
Food Security / Nutrition
- Bunting, M. (2011, January 21). How can we feed the world and still save the planet? [Blog post].
- Hansen-Kuhn, K. (2011). Making U.S. trade policy serve global food security goals. Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP).
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers. (2013). Global food: Waste not, want not. With the global population growing, mankind needs to ensure it has food resources available to feed everyone.
- Kickbusch, I., et al. (2010). The food system: A prism of present and future challenges for health promotion and sustainable development. (1.92 Mb pdf)
- Patel, R. (2013, June 12). G8 vision for tackling hunger wilfully ignores the politics of malnutrition [Blog post].
- Right to Food, resources from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
- The state of food insecurity in the world, annual editions published by FAO.
- United Nations Standing Committee on Nutrition. (2010). Progress in nutrition: 6th report on the world nutrition situation. (2.08 Mb pdf)
- World hunger series: Hunger and markets is the third volume in the World Food Programme’s World Hunger Series.
Other Resources
- Community food security. In Wikipedia.
- FAO. (2013). Resilient livelihoods: Disaster risk reduction for food and nutrition security. (2.27 Mb pdf)
- Hassanein, N. (2003). Practicing food democracy: A pragmatic politics of transformation. Journal of Rural Studies, 19, 77-86. (StFX only)
- IDS. (2012). Standing on the threshold: Food justice in India [Podcast].
- Sachs, C. & Alston, M. (2010). Global shifts, sedimentations, and imaginaries: An introduction to the special issue on women and agriculture. Signs, 35(2), 277-287. (StFX only)
- Swain, B. (2012, July 16). Fighting for food security in India [Blog post].
- TEDx Talks. (2012). Impact is a moment: Kurt Higgins at TEDxYork U 2012 [Video file]. (12:47 min.)
- La Via Campesina, international peasant’s movement.
- IDS. (2012). Standing on the threshold: Food justice in India [Video]. IDS Director Lawrence Haddad and Oxfam India’s Biraj Swain discuss the new IDS Bulletin on food justice in India. (6:19 min.)
- The world according to Monsanto, a documentary about biotech company Monsanto’s control over the seed and food chain. [Video]. (109 min.)