Marie Michael Library
Globalization and Culture
- Muyale-Manenji, F. (1998). The effects of globalization on culture in Africa in the eyes of an African woman.
- Nwegbu, M., Eze, C. & Asogwa, B. (2011). Globalization of cultural heritage: Issues, impacts, and inevitable challenges for Nigeria. Library Philosophy and Practice. (251K pdf)
Food Crisis
- Fraser, A. & Mousseau, F. (2008). The time is now: How world leaders should respond to the food price crisis (Oxfam briefing note). Oxfam International.
Labour Migration
- International Organization for Migration
- Migration resources from the United Nations Population Fund.
- Migration and Development journal, issues available: 1(2012)-current. (StFX only)
- Migration Policy Institute (MPI) is dedicated to analysis of the movement of people worldwide.
- Spectrumlens. (2008). El Contrato [Video]. A video about Mexican peasants working in Canada. (10 min.)
- Sussex Centre for Migration Research, University of Sussex.
- G24 – Intergovernmental Group of 24 on International Monetary Affairs
- G77 – Group of 77
- International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net), works to advance social justice through human rights.
- New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD)
- World Trade Organization
- Bigg, T. (2002). The World Summit on Sustainable Development: an assessment. London: IIED. This paper reports on the Johannesburg World Summit, the Global Deal and partnership between North and South.
- Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN)
- GRAIN promotes sustainable management and use of agricultural biodiversity.
- IMF. (2013). Debt relief under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative
- IMF, World Bank. (2001). Debt relief for poverty reduction: The role of the enhanced HIPC Initiative
- International Campaign to Ban Landmines is a network of over 1400 NGOs in 90 countries.
- KARAT Coalition advocates for women’s human rights and social and economic justice.
- Maquila Solidarity Network (MSN) is a labour and women’s rights organization supporting workers in global supply chains.
- New Internationalist is a magazine that deals with globalization issues.
- NGOs and the UN, Global Policy Forum.
- Bretton Woods Project, working to influence the World Bank and IMF.
- Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE)
- The Development GAP promotes economic justice and citizen participation.
- Global Policy Forum
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF)
- Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- Practical Action assists poor communities with using technology to improve their lives.
- Social Watch
- Third World Institute (ITeM)
- Third World Network (TWN)
- Third World Resurgence, magazine published by TWN.
- United Nations
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
- United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)
- World Bank
- The World Bank Open Data catalog provides access to thousands of indicators from World Bank data sets.