Marie Michael Library
Learning Organizations and Change
Development Practice
Quick Links
- BiggerPictureVideo. (2013). Learning graphic facilitation: 7 elements by Bigger Picture. [Video] (4:26 min.)
- Participatory Methods (PMs), a resource collection extracted from the work of the Participation, Power and Social Change group at the Institute of Development Studies, UK.
- Arnstein, S. R. (1969). A ladder of citizen participation. Journal of American Institute of Planners, 35(4), 216-224. (StFX only)
- The barefoot guide 4: Exploring the real work of social change. (2015). The Fourth Barefoot Guide Writer’s Collective.
- M & E Universe is a free resource developed by INTRAC to support development practitioners involved in monitoring and evaluation.
Case Studies
- Agwenjang, P., Landry, J., & Garbary, R. (2018). Engaging youth in municipal youth policy development (Santa, Northwest Cameroon).
- Akakpo, P. B., Landry, J., & Garbary, R. (2018). The Women’s Advisory Platform: Promoting gender-inclusive governance in Juaboso district (Ghana).
- Emiljanowicz, P. & Ibhawoh, B. (2017). Tradition, coalition building, and biological community protocols in land conflict disputes: The case of Tanchara, Ghana.
- Mathie, A., Alma, E., Lee, N., Peters, B., & von Lieres, B. (2017). Pathways towards political and economic agency: A synthesis of findings from five scoping studies (Innovations series no. 6). Coady Institute. (606K pdf)
- Pearson, L. & Crabtree, C. (2014). Case study 2: Enhancing resilience through cash transfers: Equity Bank and the Hunger Safety Net Programme in Northern Kenya. In Best practice case studies on private sector engagement in DRR: Undertaken as part of the FOREWARN Initiative (pp. 6-7). King’s College London. (2.38 Mb pdf)
- van Buuren, A., Landry, J., & Garbary, R. (2018). Seeking the meaningful inclusion of people with disabilities: The PATH process at L’Arche Antigonish (Nova Scotia).
Quick Links
- TEDGlobal. (2010). Eric Berlow: Simplifying complexity [Video]. (3:42 min.)
- Hutchinson, K. (2014). Systems thinking and evaluation [Video]. (5:11 min.)
Quick Links
- Center for Theory of Change, free resources available.
- International Labour Organization. (2017). Decent work and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.
- INTRAC. (2012). Theory of change: What’s it all about? ONTRAC, no. 51.
- Sustainable Human. (2014). How wolves change rivers [Video]. (4:33 min.)
- Hummelbrunner, R. & Jones, H. (2013). A guide for planning and strategy development in the face of complexity (ODI Background note).
- International Budget Partnership (IBP)
- Miller, C. & Haylock, L. (2014). Capturing changes in women’s lives: The experiences of Oxfam Canada in applying feminist evaluation principles to monitoring and evaluation practice. Gender and Development, 22(2), 291-310. (StFX only)
- O’Donnell, M. (2016). Adaptive management: What it means for CSOs. Bond.
- Participatory Budgeting Project is a democratic process in which community members decide how to spend part of a public budget.
- Reisman, J., et al. (2004). Theory of change: A practical tool for action, results and learning. Organizational Research Services. (370K pdf)
- Vogel, I. (2012). Review of the use of ‘Theory of Change’ in international development: Review report. DFID. (8.49 Mb pdf)
Quick Links
- Tamarack Institute, an institute for community engagement.
- Griffiths, M. (2006). Leadership and agile project management, ideas, observations.
- Jain, S. P. & Polman, W. (2003). A handbook for trainers on participatory local development: The Panchayati Raj model in India (2nd ed.). FAO.
- Shutt, C. (2016). Towards an alternative development management paradigm? EBA. (1.07 Mb pdf)
Quick Links
- BetterEvaluation improves evaluation practice and theory by sharing information about methods, tools and approaches.
- Church, M. (2016). Doing things differently: Rethinking monitoring and evaluation to understand change. Saferworld.
- Haddock, P. (2015). Monitoring and evaluating training: Challenges, opportunities and recommendations (Praxis paper 30). INTRAC.
- IDRC Panasia. (2008). Jess Dart: Most significant change, Part 1 [Video]. (10:15 min.)
- Kramer, M. & Kania, J. (2011). Collective impact. Video, article and webinar available.
- Monitoring and Evaluation News focuses on monitoring and evaluation methods relevant to social development.
- Outcome Mapping, a learning community puts people at the center, defines outcomes as changes in behaviour, and helps measure contribution to complex change processes.
- Davies, R. & Dart, J. (2005). The ‘Most Significant Change’ (MSC) technique: A guide to its use. CARE International.
- Monitoring and evaluation planning series, published by INTRAC.
- Garbutt, A. (2013). Monitoring and evaluation: A guide for small and diaspora NGOs.
- Rose, S. (2014). “More of an art than a science”: Challenges and solutions in monitoring and evaluating advocacy (M & E paper no. 8). INTRAC.
- Swaans, K., et al. (2013). A monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the performance of innovation platforms in the context of livestock value chains (Discussion paper no. 24). International Livestock Research Institute. (2.75 Mb pdf)
Emotional Intelligence
- Mind Tools. (n.d.). Emotional intelligence in leadership: Learning how to be more aware.
- Bradberry, T. (2015, March 19). Why leaders lack emotional intelligence.
- Mayer, J. D., & Caruso, D. (2002). The effective leader: Understanding and applying emotional intelligence. Ivey Business Journal.
- Crossley, T. (2015, March 2). 10 reasons why emotional intelligence is critical for leaders [Blog post]. Huffington Post.
Exit Strategies
- Gardner, A., Greenblott, K., & Joubert, E. (2005). What we know about exit strategies: Practical guidance for developing exit strategies in the field: a product of the C-SAFE Regional Learning Spaces Initiative.
- Hendricks, L. (2003). Designing microfinance from an exit-strategy perspective. Journal of Microfinance, 5(1).
- Inter-Agency Standing Committee. (1997). Exit strategy for humanitarian actors in the context of complex emergencies.
- Kloosterman, J., with Safier, C. (2014). Transformative leadership for women’s rights: An Oxfam guide: understanding how leadership can create sustainable change the promotes women’s rights and gender equality. Oxfam.
- Lewis, S., et al. (2017). What’s it like to be on the receiving end of exit? A partner and country office view. Bond. (935K pdf)
- MacPherson, M., & Gray, C. (2000). An ‘aid exit’ strategy for African countries: A debate (African Economic Policy discussion paper 49). (98K pdf)
- Morris, L. (2015). Working at the sharp end of programme closure: EveryChild’s responsible exit principles (Praxis note no. 70). INTRAC. (577K pdf)
- Energize assists organizations with their volunteer efforts. It develops resources in volunteer management and advocates for the power of volunteers and for the recognition of the leaders who unleash it.
- International Journal of Volunteer Administration is a peer reviewed digital publication of the Department of Agricultural and Human Sciences at North Carolina State University.
- UN Volunteers contributes to peace and development through volunteerism worldwide.
- Barefoot Guides combine stories, analyses, approaches and resources under a key theme. Each guide has a simple format and is a practical, do-it-yourself guide.
- Berkes, F. (2009). Evolution of co-management: Role of knowledge generation, bridging organizations and social learning. Journal of Environmental Management, 90(5), 1692-1702. (STFX only)
- Bolger, J. (2000). Capacity development. Occasional series, 1(1). CIDA. (1.06 Mb pdf)
- Bruma, T. (2010). The fifth discipline handout [Powerpoint presentation].
- Bushe, G. R. (1998). Five theories of change embedded in appreciative inquiry. (585K pdf)
- Cane, P. M. (2005). CAPACITAR emergency response toolkit. (1.92 Mb pdf)
- Columinate is a consulting cooperative that shares strategies, tools, and skills to help organizations build and empower community.
- Davenport, T. H. & Prusak, L. (2000). Working knowledge: How organizations manage what they know.
- Ermine, W. (2007). The ethical space of engagement. Indigenous Law Journal, 6(1), 193-203.
- is a network of public health professionals and scientists seeking to advance the scaling up of successful health programs.
- Free Management Library:
- Gender at Work. (2017). Gender at Work framework.
- Hailey, J. & James, R. (2002). Learning leaders: The key to learning organisations. Development in Practice, 12(3-4), 398-408. (STFX only)
- Hartmann, A. & Linn, J. F. (2007). Scaling up: A path to effective development. IFPRI. (112K pdf)
- Hayman, R. (2012). Aid withdrawal, partnership and CSO sustainability in a time of global economic change: background paper. INTRAC. (1.90 Mb pdf)
- Leadership, Methods, Models and Theories, from 12manage, an e-learning community on management.
- Lewis, S. (2016). Developing a timeline for exit strategies: Experiences from an Action Learning Set with the British Red Cross, EveryChild, Oxfam GB, Sightsavers and WWF-UK. INTRAC. (2.38 Mb pdf)
- Ludema, J. D., Cooperrider, D. L., & Barrett, F. J. (2001). Appreciative inquiry: The power of the unconditional question.
- Oswald, K. & Taylor, P. (2010). A learning approach to monitoring and evaluation. IDS Bulletin, 41(6), 114-120.
- Padaki, V. (2002). Making the organisation learn: Demystification and management action. Development in Practice, 12(3-4), 321-337. (STFX only).
- Preskill, H., Gutierrez, E., & Mack, K. (2017). Facilitating intentional group learning: A practical guide to 21 learning activities. FSG.
- Rae, A. (2011). Mental models: Lessons from the Fifth Discipline Fieldbook by Senge, Kleiker, Roberts, Ross and Smith [Powerpoint presentation].
- Roper, L. & Pettit, J. (2002). Development and the learning organisation: An introduction. Development in Practice, 12(3-4), 258-271. (STFX only).
- Symington, A. (2004). Intersectionality: A tool for gender and economic justice (AWID facts & issues, no. 9). AWID. (248K pdf)
- Taylor, A. & Liadsky, B. (2018, May 28). Learning about learning organizations [Blog post].
- United Nations. (n.d.). Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and optional protocol. (448K pdf)
- UN Women. (n.d.). Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.
- Ury, W. (2003). Third siders.
- Vincent, R. & Byrne, A. (2006). Enhancing learning in development partnerships. Development in Practice, 16(5), 385-399. (StFX only)
- Wheatley, M. & Frieze, D. (2010). Leadership in the age of complexity: From hero to host. (81K pdf)
- Wilson-Grau, R. & Nunez, M. (2007). Evaluating international social-change networks: A conceptual framework for a participatory approach. Development in Practice, 17(2), 258-271. (StFX only)
Video Resources
- Aalto University. (2014). Peter Senge: “Systems thinking for a better world”: Aalto systems forum 2014 [Video file]. (60:14 min.)
- Adichie, C. N. (2009). The danger of a single story [Video file]. (18:43 min.)
- Brant, S. (2010). If Russ Ackoff have given a TED talk [Video file]. (12:18 min.)
- Cabrera Research Lab. (2015). New systems thinking: A little film about a big idea [Video file]. (11:55 min.)
- CBC Arts. (2016). Gord Downie’s The secret path [Video file]. (2 hr., 8 min.)
- Haynes, P. (2010). Russell Ackoff: Studio 1 network [Video file]. (9:48 min.)
- Seeing into Being. (2016). The science of seeing into being English [Video file]. (8:15 min.)
- TED2010. (2010). Esther Duflo: Social experiments to fight poverty [Video file]. (16:41 min.)
- Veldpape, M. (2008). Everybody is an A student: Benjamin Zander [Video file]. (2:24 min.)
- 12Manage: Rigor and Relevance, management methods, models and organizational theory. Translation into twelve languages.
- IISD (International Institute for Sustainable Development)
- INTRAC (International NGO Training and Research Centre)
- The NGO Café contains resources for managing an NGO.
- assists with power relations to bring about social change in organizations and larger spaces.