Marie Michael Library

Research Processes and Methods

How to Cite References and Avoid Plagiarism

Independent Study links 

This page provides suggestions for structuring a research paper.

Research Manuals and Readings

Field Tools

Multimedia Methods

Participatory Research



  • The Guardian’s Datablog provides examples of how publicly available data can be analysed and presented, including tools for data analysis. While it is written in the context of journalism, the methods are useful for anyone who wants to make information available in ways that make sense to people.
  • Rhetological fallacies: Errors and manipulation of rhetoric and logical thinking shows some of the ways people’s understanding may be affected by assumptions, bias and other errors of logic.
  • Taylor-Powell, E., & Renner, M. (2003). Analyzing qualitative data. University of Wisconsin. (168K pdf)
  • Taylor-Powell, E. (1996). Analyzing quantitative data. University of Wisconsin. (126K pdf)
  • Varkevisser, C., Pathmanathan, I., & Brownlee, A. (2003). Analysis of qualitative data. In Designing and conducting health systems research projects: Volume II: data analysis and report writing (Module 23). KIT Publishers.

Sharing Research Results

Writing Research Results

Here are some examples of different ways research using various methods have been presented in journal articles:

Case Studies
Indigenous Methods
Literature Reviews
Narrative – Stories
Participatory Action Research
Reflections by Researchers – Practical and Ethical Issues in Research

Research Proposal Writing and Funding

Searching for Information

Electronic Research Tutorials
Electronic Research Resources, Databases and Journals

You are encouraged to browse through the Coady Course Links on the subject areas related to your topic.

  • ERIC database contains resources related to education and training. It has  abstracts of published journal articles, plus full-text content of conference papers, reports, theses and other non-published resources from 1993-2004.
  • International Journal of Qualitative Methods is a peer reviewed journal published as an open annual volume. Issues available: 1(2002)-current. (StFX only)
  • Journals to which the Marie Michael Library subscribes. Click on the journal title that interests you, and browse by issue, or conduct a search using the journal’s search feature.
  • The Qualitative Report is dedicated to qualitative research. Issues available: 1(2008)-current.

Writing Support

On-Campus Assistance
Online Writing Guides and Tools