Coady News

News from the Director

News from the Director

Dear Coady International Institute alumni: I write to inform you that, earlier today, St. Francis Xavier University and Coady International Institute presented an update to Coady’s programmatic and organizational structure. These necessary changes will set Coady on a...

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Coady Staff Members Contribute to Publications

Coady Staff Members Contribute to Publications

After having work published in late 2018, Coady staff member Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier (Manager, Networks and Ongoing Learning) has added another publication to her repertoire. Meanwhile, the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) acknowledged Coady staff member Eric Smith (Manager, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning), who was celebrated at the 2018 Annual Celebration of StFX Authors for his contribution to the 2017 publication.

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Amit family Donation Supports Women Leaders

Amit family Donation Supports Women Leaders

Coady International Institute extends its gratitude to former Coady Director Dr. Harris (Eric) Amit (1991-1994) and his family (children Minoli, Hilary, Udeni and son-in-law Peter Tufts) for their recent generous donation in memory of his late wife Amybelle Amit.

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