Marie Michael Library
Women’s Leadership
Gender and Power
- Batliwala, S. (2012). Changing their world: Concepts and practices of women’s movements (2nd ed.). AWID. (1.15 Mb pdf)
- BRIDGE Gender and Social Movements contains resources for activists and supporters who want to bring a gender perspective into social justice and gender-just movements.
- Brown, E. (2021). Women, voice and power: How transformative feminist leadership is challenging inequalities and the root causes of extreme vulnerability. Oxfam. doi: 10.21201/2021.7772
- Chant, S. (2017). Addressing world poverty through women and girls: A feminised solution. Sight and Life Magazine, 30(2), 58-62.
- Davies-van Es, A., et al. (2015). ICTs for feminist movement building: Activist toolkit. S. Heese & K. Higges, eds. Just Associates.
- Eyben, R. (2012). The hegemony cracked: The power guide to getting care onto the development agenda (Working paper no. 411). IDS. (234K pdf)
- Franken, M. et al. (Eds.). (2009). Teaching intersectionality: Putting gender at the centre. ATHENA3, Advanced Thematic Network in Women’s Studies in Europe, University of Utrecht and Stockholm University. (1.0 Mb pdf)
- The Guardian. (2014). Women’s rights country by country – interactive.
- IDS. (2009). Power pack: Understanding power for social change. This version forms the basis of the website. (1.33 Mb pdf)
- IDS. (2015). Pathways of women’s empowerment: Stories of influence. (1.0 Mb pdf)
- iKNOW Politics. (2017). iKNOW Politics interview with Dr. Khalid Koser [Video]. (3:54 min.)
- Inter-Parliamentary Union. (2017). Women in parliament in 2016: The year in review. IPU. (1.46 Mb pdf)
- Irving, C. J. & English, L. M. (2011). Community in cyberspace: Gender, social movement learning, and the internet. Adult Education Quarterly, 61(3), 262-278. (StFX only)
- Laveist, T., Gaskin, D. & Trujillo, A. (2011). Segregated spaces, risky places: The effects of racial segregation on health inequalities. Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies.
- Llanos, B. (2011). Unseeing eyes: media coverage and gender in Latin American elections. UN Women.
- Ludgate, N. (2016). Harvard analytical framework (Info sheet: Common gender analysis tools 2). USAID. (364K pdf)
- MacLean, M. (2010). Women gaining voice: Political representation and participation in decentralized systems. IDRC.
- Mukhopadhyay, M. & Singh, N. (Eds). (2007). Gender justice, citizenship and development. IDRC.
- Participatory Methods. (n.d.). Power.
- Stromquist, N. P. (2013). Adult education of women for social transformation: Reviving the promise, continuing the struggle. New Directions for Adult & Continuing Education, no. 138, 29-38. (StFX only)
- TheUNGlobalCompact. (2013). Women’s empowerment principles: Equality means business (Full version) [Video]. (5:45 min.)
- UN-Women. (n.d.). Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). The convention was adopted in 1979 by the UN General Assembly and is described as an international bill of rights for women.
- Valdez, E., et al. (2008). Module 4: Gender analysis tools. In Gender training toolkit (2nd ed.) (pp. 102-172). World Vision International. (7.57 Mb pdf)
Gender Budgeting
- Quinn, S. (2009). Gender budgeting: Practical implementation handbook. Council of Europe.
- Sharp, R. & Elson, D. (2007). Improving budgets: A framework for assessing gender responsive budget initiatives. (91K pdf)
Empowerment of Women
- Dias, S. M. & Ogando, A. C. (2016). From theory to action: Gender and waste recycling: a toolkit for teachers, researchers and practitioners. WIEGO.
- Gender Action: Women Taking Their Rightful Place in the World Economy promotes gender equality and women’s rights in all International Financial Institution (IFI) investments.
- Oxfam Canada. (2010, November 11). Asset-based community-driven development [Video]. (4:07 min.)
- Progress of the world’s women, published by UN Women.
- Resourcing women’s rights, this donor list, published by AWID, makes it easier for women’s rights and feminist organizations to find funders to support their initiatives.
- UN Women, United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women.
Engaging Men in Gender Equality
- Barker, G., et al. (2011). Evolving men: Initial results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES). ICRW.
- Edstrom, J. & Shahrokh, T. (2016). Reframing men and boys in policy for gender equality: Conceptual guidance and an agenda for change (EMERGE framing paper). IDS. (1.55 Mb pdf)
- Men, Boys and Gender Equality is a portal containing resources for working with boys and men to promote gender equality. Developed by IDS.
- MenCare is a global fatherhood campaign that promotes men’s involvement as equitable and nonviolent in order to achieve family well-being.
- New Leaf is a local organization offering services to men in the community who have been abusive towards loved ones. It also offers referrals for women and children to the women component of the program.
- Public Health Foundation of India. (2014). Evidence-based strategies to engage men and boys in gender-integrated health interventions. Health Policy Project. (1.06 Mb pdf)
- Ricardo, C., et al. (2014). Men, masculinities, and changing power: A discussion paper on engaging men in gender equality from Beijing 1995 to 2015. MenEngage Alliance. (6.21 Mb pdf)
- United Nations. (2008). The role of men and boys in achieving gender equality. Women 2000 and Beyond. (598K pdf)
Feminization of Poverty
- Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID)
- Feminization of poverty, Fact Sheet no. 1, UN Division for the Advancement of Women.
- Urgent Action Fund supports women’s rights and provides grants enabling interventions and participation in advocacy and research.
Gender-based Violence
- Violence against Women, resources from WomenWatch.
- White Ribbon Campaign, a Canadian organization of men against violence against women.
Political Participation
- iKNOW Politics. (2013, November). Summary e-discussion: Women’s participation in politics in (post) conflict countries: role of women in peace negotiations. This e-discussion ran from October 10th to November 6th, 2013.
- International Knowledge Network of Women in Politics (iKNOW Politics)
- MacLeod, R. (2016). She Parliamentarian: A campaign for women MPs in Jordan (Praxis series paper no. 2). INTRAC. (5.05 Mb pdf)
- Whitman, T. & Gomez, J. (2009). Bringing women into government. Strategies for Policymakers, no. 1. (485K pdf)
Statistical and Comparative Data
- Directory of UN Resources on Gender and Women’s Issues, WomenWatch.
- Gender Data Portal data and statistics from the World Bank.
- Genuine Progress Index
- Global Gender Gap Index 2024, published by the World Economic Forum, is a framework for capturing gender-based disparities and tracking their progress.
- Measures of Distributional Inequality, tool to help understand the Gini Coefficient.
Gender Manuals
- Cutting Edge Packs, BRIDGE: Development and Gender.
- Gender manuals and resources, from Network Learning.
- Tielemans, S., et al. (2015). Gender & conflict analysis toolkit for peacebuilders (1st ed.). Conciliation Resources. (1.26 Mb pdf))
- UNDP. (n.d.). Gender Mainstreaming Learning Manual & Information Pack.
- United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-HABITAT). (2008). Gender in local government: A sourcebook for trainers.
- Williams, S., Seed, J. & Mwau, J. (1994). Oxfam gender training manual. Oxfam.
General information about gender issues
- ASK-us, ARROW’s Digital Resource Centre with a collection of resources on sexual and reproductive health and rights and related thematic areas.
- Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) is committed to gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights.
- Gender at Work, building cultures of equality and social justice.
- Gender Training Tools and Resources, WomenWatch, United Nations.
Other sites of interest
- Huairou Commission supports grassroots women’s local development knowledge.
- International Rescue Committee (IRC) Wake Up Call – send a ‘wake up call’ and share support for the fight against violence against women and children.
- Kapur, A. & Duvvury, N. (2006). A rights-based approach to realizing the economic and social rights of poor and marginalized women: A synthesis of lessons learned. ICRW.
- Mother Pelican: A Journal of Sustainable Human Development
- Okech, A. (2008). GROOTS Kenya. In S. Batliwala (Ed.), Changing their world. AWID. (279K pdf)
- Social Watch Gender Equity Index (GEI)