Marie Michael Library
Inclusive Economies
Global Economic Context And Its Implications
- Basu, K. (2006). Globalization, poverty, and inequality: What is the relationship? What can be done? World Development, 34(8), 1361-1373. (StFX only)
- Blyde, J. S. (Ed.). (2014). Synchronized factories: Latin America and the Caribbean in the era of global value chains. IADB. (StFX only)
- Free to Choose Network. (2015). Globalization at the crossroads – full video [Video]. (56:14 min.)
- Global risks report 2024. (2024). World Economic Forum.
- Institute for the Future. (2017). The next era of human | machine partnerships: Emerging technologies’ impact on society and work in 2030. IFTF.
- Ruszczyk, H., Schubert, I., & Stoyanovska, A. (2001). Local response to globalization: MESTA region, Bulgaria (SEED working paper, no. 12). ILO.
- Schwab, K. (2016, January 14). The fourth industrial revolution: What it means, how to respond.
- Tencer, D. (2017, July 14). 85% of jobs that will exist In 2030 haven’t been invented yet: Dell [Blog post].
- Wade, R. H. (2004). Is globalization reducing poverty and inequality? World Development, 32(4), 567-589. (StFX only)
- World Bank. (2002). Globalization, growth, and poverty: Building an inclusive world economy (Policy research report). World Bank.
- World Bank. (2016). World development report 2016: Digital dividends. World Bank.
- World Bank. (2019). World development report 2019: The changing nature of work. World Bank.
Analysis Frameworks For Livelihoods And Economic Inclusion
- Cunningham, G. (2011). Community economic literacy and the “leaky bucket” (Occasional paper series, no. 9). Coady Institute. (1.90 Mb pdf)
- Digital Leaky Bucket tool is an educational tool that helps people at the grassroots better understand their local economy.
- Explore regional wealth building: Module 1. (2014). Aspen Institute Community Strategies Group.
- Free to Choose Network. (2015). The power of the poor – full video [Video]. (56:13 min.)
- Ghore, Y. (2016). Participatory livelihoods mapping with persons with disabilities in Uganda. IDS.
Inclusive Economies And Key Characteristics
- ILO. (2018). Women and men in the informal economy: A statistical picture. ILO.
- Demirguc-Kunt, A., Klapper, L., & Singer, D. (2017). Financial inclusion and inclusive growth: A review of recent empirical evidence Policy research working paper 8040). World Bank Group.
- World Economic Forum. (2018). The inclusive development index 2018. World Economic Forum.
Basic Terminology, Concepts And Principles For Inclusive Economic Development
- Vanek, J., Chen, M. A., Carré, F., Heintz, J., & Hussmanns, R. (2014). Statistics on the informal economy: Definitions, regional estimates and challenges (WIEGO working paper (statistics) no. 2). WIEGO.
Introduction To Value Chains And Market Systems
- Action for Enterprise. (2014). Value chain program design: Promoting market-based solutions for MSME and industry competitiveness. Action for Enterprise. (567K pdf)
- Henning, R., Donahue, N. A., & Brand, M. (2008). End market research toolkit: Upgrading value chain competitiveness with informed choice. USAID. (4.79 Mb pdf)
- Schneemann, J., & Vredeveld, T. (2015). Guidelines for value chain selection: Integrating economic, environmental, social and institutional criteria. GIZ.
Inclusive Value Chain Development
- Coady Institute. (2018). Producer-led value chain analysis: The missing link in value chain development: a facilitator’s guide (Innovation series no. 3c). Coady Institute. (1.28 Mb pdf)
- Ghore, Y. (2015). Producer-led value chain analysis: The missing link in value chain development: a tool for effective engagement of small producers (Innovation series no 3). Coady Institute. (1.83 Mb pdf)
Value Chains And Inclusive Economies
- Field Facilitation Working Group. (2008). Cycle 1: Defining lead firms and principles of facilitation (Working paper). (97K pdf)
- Field Facilitation Working Group. (2008). Cycle 2: Methods for identifying and selecting lead firms (Working paper). (199K pdf)
- Field Facilitation Working Group. (2009). Cycle 3: Structuring and managing collaboration with lead firms (Working paper). (873K pdf)
- Field Facilitation Working Group. (2009). Cycle 4: Interventions with lead firms (Working paper). (244K pdf)
- Field Facilitation Working Group. (2009). Cycle 5: Addressing weak/nonexistent functions in the value chain (Working paper). (162K pdf)
- Saarelainen, E. & Sievers, M. (2012). Value chain development (Value chain development briefing paper no. 1). ILO.
- Statham, C. (2012). Making the case for mobile money: A look at social cash transfers for development (FIELD brief no. 19). (238K pdf)
Social Enterprise for Inclusive Economies
- Byronetics. (2006, November 19). Aravind eye hospital [Video]. (6:07 min.)
- Diochon, M. & Ghore, Y. (2016). Contextualizing a social enterprise opportunity process in an emerging market. Social Enterprise Journal, 12(2), 107-130. (StFX only)
- Fruchterman, J. (2011, Spring). For love or lucre. Stanford Social Innovation Review, 42-47.
- Ghore, Y., Fletcher, D., & Abdulai, F. (2018). Innovations, investments, incentives and impact: What can rural women in Ghana teach us about social enterprise? (Innovations series, no.9). Coady Institute. (931K pdf)
- IRIS is the catalog of generally-accepted performance metrics.
-, the tools to end poverty.
- Poverty Probability Index (PPI) is a poverty measurement tool for organizations and businesses with a mission to serve the poor.
Addressing Systemic Barriers to SIE
- HLPF. (2016). Addressing systemic barriers to achieving sustainable development (Policy brief no. 1).
Integrated Approaches to SIE
- Aga Khan Foundation partners with communities in some of the most remote, hard-to-reach parts of Asia and Africa to build better futures together.
- The Amul Model was founded in 1946 in Gujarat, India. Angered by the unfair practices of the middlemen in the milk trade, farmers formed their own cooperative and brought procurement, processing and marketing under their control.
- Mondragon is a corporation of worker cooperatives based in the Basque region of Spain.
- RUDI is a rural distribution network for small and marginal farmers. It provides employment opportunities and develops integrated food value chains to ensure food security to rural members.
Extra Resources
- Catholic Relief Services, case studies related to moving from agricultural activities to agro-enterprises.
- CGIAR, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research.
- Conservation Agriculture (CA), aims to achieve sustainable and profitable agriculture and to improve livelihoods of farmers.
- Coopedia Knowledge Base is a search engine listing resources (guides, videos, books, and more) on cooperative entrepreneurship.
- Fante, N., Giovannucci, D., & Hanway, C. E. (2007). The basics of a business plan for development professionals.
- ILO. (2008). SYB: Start your business manual for potential entrepreneurs: an adapted edition for Trinidad and Tobago. ILO.
- Miehlbradt, A. O. & McVay, M. (2003). Seminar reader: Developing commercial markets for business development services: BDS primer. Annual BDS seminar, Turin, Italy, September. ILO. (703K pdf)
- de Morais, N. (2010). Conjunto las Palmeiras, Fortaleza, Brazil: Banco Palmas. (133K pdf)
- Resources and tools from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Knowledge Management Unit.
- Savings Revolution, publications, case studies, learning videos related to savings groups.
- Sheck, R., Donovan, J. & Stoian, D. (2013). Assessing impacts of value chain development on poverty: A case study companion to the 5Capitals tool (Technical report no. 396). CATIE. (5.43 Mb pdf)
- Shepherd, A. (2007). Approaches to linking producers to markets: A review of experiences to date (Agricultural management, marketing and finance occasional paper no. 13). FAO. (833K pdf)