Marie Michael Library

Inclusive Economies

Global Economic Context And Its Implications

Analysis Frameworks For Livelihoods And Economic Inclusion

Inclusive Economies And Key Characteristics

Basic Terminology, Concepts And Principles For Inclusive Economic Development

Introduction To Value Chains And Market Systems

Inclusive Value Chain Development

Value Chains And Inclusive Economies

Social Enterprise for Inclusive Economies

Addressing Systemic Barriers to SIE

Integrated Approaches to SIE

  • Aga Khan Foundation partners with communities in some of the most remote, hard-to-reach parts of Asia and Africa to build better futures together.
  • The Amul Model was founded in 1946 in Gujarat, India. Angered by the unfair practices of the middlemen in the milk trade, farmers formed their own cooperative and brought procurement, processing and marketing under their control.
  • Mondragon is a corporation of worker cooperatives based in the Basque region of Spain.
  • RUDI is a rural distribution network for small and marginal farmers. It provides employment opportunities and develops integrated food value chains to ensure food security to rural members.

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