Seeds of Survival
Event by SeedChange in partnership with Coady Institute.
Seeds of Survival
Event by SeedChange in partnership with Coady Institute.
Seeds of Survival Webinar 2023
This online event brought together seed security and seed sovereignty practitioners from around the world to discuss current work to support farmer seed systems. Featuring both presentations and participatory writing sessions, the online conference provided the direction for two potential regional gatherings in 2024. The focus of the two online sessions were local seed production and marketing. Discussion of these issues also tied into key methods and topics of interest including Community Seed Bank systems, Indigenous knowledge and participatory plant breeding and varietal selection (PPB, PVS), varietal registration and local seed certification, Seed Security Assessments and Action Plans, and advocacy on Farmers’ Rights.
Webinar Semillas de sobrevivencia 2023
Este evento en línea reunió a profesionales de la seguridad y la soberanía de semillas para discutir el trabajo actual de apoyo a los sistemas de semillas locales. Con presentaciones y sesiones participativas, la conferencia en línea también proporcionó perspectivas para orientar dos posibles reuniones regionales en 2024. Las dos sesiones en línea se centraron sobre la producción y comercialización local de semillas. Estas cuestiones también se vincularon a métodos y temas clave de interés, como los sistemas de bancos de semillas comunitarios, conocimientos indígenas y el fitomejoramiento y la selección participativa de variedades, el registro de variedades y la certificación local de semillas, los diagnósticos de la seguridad de las semillas y los planes de acción, y la defensa de los derechos de los agricultores.
Séminaire Web “Semences de survie” 2023
Cet événement en ligne a réuni des praticiens de la sécurité et de la souveraineté des semences pour discuter du travail actuel de soutien aux systèmes de semences paysannes. Comprenant à la fois des présentations et des sessions participatives, la conférence en ligne a également fourni des indications pour orienter deux rassemblements régionaux potentiels en 2024. Les deux sessions en ligne étaient axées sur la production et la commercialisation des semences locales. La discussion de ces questions a également porté sur des méthodes et sujets clés d’intérêt, notamment les systèmes de banques de semences communautaires, les connaissances autochtones et la sélection variétale et amélioration des plantes participatives, l’enregistrement des variétés et la certification local des semences, les évaluations de la sécurité des semences et les plans d’action, ainsi que la défense des droits paysans.
Day One: February 28, 2023
Introduction and Debates and successes in local seed production and marketing
Pratap Shrestha leads the participatory crop improvement, seed systems, community-based approaches to biodiversity conservation, and policy work at SeedChange.
PRODII on the Participatory Guarantee System pilot in Bolivia
Félix Vale is an agronomist specialist on local development and agroecology, with extensive experience in Participatory Guarantee Systems developed in farmer communities in Bolivia. He is the Executive Director of the Comprehensive Interdisciplinary Development Program (PRODII).
IRPAD on Quality Assurance and Participatory Guarantee System for vegetable seeds in Mali
Mamadou Goïta is a development socio-economist and specialist in education and training systems. He is the Executive Director of the Institute for Research and Promotion of Alternatives in Development (IRPAD).
LI-BIRD on the system for local registration and certification in Nepal
Shree Prasad is a key plant breeder and researcher at LI- BIRD with a decade of experience in local registration of farmer varieties in Nepal.
INCA on local seed certification methodology in Cuba
Dr. C. Rosa Acosta Roca is a researcher in the Genetics and Plant Breeding Department, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (INCA), with a PhD in Biological Sciences and more than 20 years experience in Participatory Plant Breeding (focus on maize breeding under open pollination conditions).
FECODESA on seed cooperatives and Community Seed Bank network in Nicaragua
Blanca Castro is an agronomist specialist in Participatory Plant Breeding and local seed production on maize, bean and sorghum. For the last 15 years, she has led the participatory development and release of new crop varieties of those crops working with cooperatives in Nicaragua.
FIPAH on the local certification system of PPB varieties through CSBs and formal system pilot in Honduras
José Jiménez is a senior agronomist specialist in sustainable use and development of Agrobiodiversity, with 30 years of experience in participatory research in Honduras and extensive involvement in local seed production.
Odir Palma is a Farmer expert in local seed production and plant breeding from CIAL La Esperanza. He leads the Seed Committee from ASOCIAL Yorito.