Marie Michael Library
Community Resilience
What is community resilience?
- Individual and community psychology perspective
- Resilience Research Centre. (2013, November 27). Supporting youth resilience [Video]. Youtube. (2:35 min.)
- Glasgow Centre for Population Health. (2014, February 5). Supporting resilience [Video]. Youtube. (5:50 min.)
- Community development perspective
- World Bank. (2013, October 4). Cohesive communities create resilience [Video]. Youtube. (4:49 min.)
- Carnegie UK Trust. (2011, November 16). Exploring community resilience [Video]. Youtube. (2:21 min.)
- Ecological systems perspective
- Trrefo. (2012, January 10). What is resilience? [Video]. Youtube. (5:31 min.)
- Stockholm Resilience Centre TV. (2015, June 28). How to apply resilience thinking [Video]. Youtube. (3:09 min.)
- Rights and resistance perspective
- Aravind, A. (2010, June 2). Music video: Gaon chhodab nahin! [Video]. Youtube. (5:29 min.)
- Brent, J. (2004). The desire for community: Illusion, confusion and paradox. Community Development Journal, 39(3), 213-223. (StFX only)
- Dannymillerfilms. (2015). Seeds of hope for PBS Hawaii broadcast [Video]. Youtube. (56:54 min.)
- Kulig, J., et al. (2013). Community resiliency: Emerging theoretical insights. Journal of Community Psychology, 41(6), 758-775. (StFX only)
- Moberg, F. et al. (n.d.). What is resilience? An introduction to social-ecological research. Stockholm Resilience Centre. (1.99 Mb pdf)
- A village called Versailles. In this New Orleans neighbourhood, a group of Vietnamese Americans overcame obstacles to rebuild after Hurricane Katrina, only to have their homes threatened by a new landfill. This is the story of how the Versailles people turn a disaster into a catalyst for change and a better future.
Risks, vulnerabilities and challenges in our communities and in the world
- Chapin, F. S., et al. (2010). Ecosystem stewardship: Sustainability strategies for a rapidly changing planet. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 25(4), 241-249. (StFX only)
Community resilience: Cultural and ecosystem imperatives
- Crane, T. (2010). Of models and meanings: Cultural resilience in social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society, 15(4).
- Stockholm Resilience Centre TV. (2013). Culture can help strengthen resilience in local communities? [Video]. Youtube. (3:06 min.)
Case studies: Building on endowments, assets and capabilities as a strategy for change (endogenous development)
- Castillo, J. & Hererra, P. (2013). Building resilient cities from the community up: Lessons from Manila. In A new dialogue: Putting people at the heart of global development: conference report (pp. 103-107). Irish Aid.
- Cave, K. & McKay, S. (2016). Water song: Indigenous women and water. Solutions, 7(6), 64-73.
- Equator Initiative Case Study Database, local sustainable development solutions for people, nature and resilient communities.
- Huairou Commission. (2015). Resilient women: Integrating community resilience priorities in post-2015 agenda. Huairou Commission. (3.98 Mb pdf)
- Mercy Corps. (2012). From conflict to coping: Evidence from Southern Ethiopia on the contributions of peacebuilding to drought resilience among pastoralist groups. Mercy Corps. (1.34 Mb pdf)
- Mercy Corps. (2014). Rethinking resilience: Prioritizing gender integration to enhance household and community resilience to food insecurity in the Sahel. Mercy Corps. (1.10 Mb pdf)
- Pandyopranoto, P. (n.d.). Building resilient communities by strengthening livelihoods and giving people more options. (3.40 Mb pdf)
- Partners for Resilience. (n.d.). Building resilient communities: Case studies from PfR Kenya. (2.89 Mb pdf)
- Shaw, R. & Rouhban, B. (2005). Disaster reduction and human security: Education for sustainable development: case studies and best practices. A contribution to the United Nations World Conference on Disaster Reduction, Kobe, Hyogo. (16.78 Mb pdf)
- UNDP. (2012). Ngata Toro community, Indonesia: Equator initiative case studies: local sustainable development solutions for people, nature, and resilient communities. UNDP. (3.05 Mb pdf)
- Video Case Studies
- International Labour Organization. (2012). A green initiative brightens Bangladesh [Video]. Youtube. (2:10 min.)
- IUCN. (2010). Building resilience to climate change [Video]. Youtube. (15:10 min.)
- IUCN ROWA. (2014). SEARCH: Increasing local community resilience in the MENA region [Video]. Youtube. (6:48 min.)
- Knowledge Share Fairs. (2010). Integrating indigenous knowledge in climate risk management [Video]. Youtube. (2:15 min.)
- Oxfam America. (2011). R4: The Rural Resilience Initiative [Video]. Youtube. (3:06 min.)
- Taylor-Hoar, K. (2013). Ecorasmus [Video]. Youtube. (2:43 min.)
Tools for building community resilience
- Dazé, A., Ambrose, K., & Ehrhart, C. (2009). Climate vulnerability and capacity analysis: Handbook. CARE International.
- Natural Justice Video. (2012). Biocultural community protocols: Articulating and asserting stewardship [Video]. Youtube. (13:01 min.)
- Natural Justice Video. (2012). Maldhari biocultural community protocol photo story [Video]. Youtube. (4:25 min.)
- is a resource for understanding power relations in efforts to bring about social change.
Indigenous and green rights: Resources, food justice and community resilience
- Davis, R., Cook, D., & Cohen, L. (2005). A community resilience approach to reducing ethnic and racial disparities in health. American Journal of Public Health, 95(12), 2168-2173. (StFX only)
- Fleming, J. & Ledogar, R. J. (2008). Resilience, an evolving concept: A review of literature relevant to Aboriginal research. [Author manuscript]. Final version available in Pimatisiwin, 6(2), 7-23. (41K pdf)
- Mason, S. & Rychard, S. (2005). Conflict analysis tools. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. (362K pdf)
- TEDx Talks. (2012). TEDxMasala: Dr. Vandana Shiva: solutions to the food and ecological crisis facing us today [Video]. Youtube. (11:40 min.)
- United Nations University. (2012). Reframing climate change science to include indigenous and local knowledge, Dr. Tero Mustonen [Video]. Youtube. (3:10 min.)
Where do we start to build resilient communities?
- Gunderson, L., et al. (2010). Assessing resilience in social-ecological systems: Workbook for practitioners (Rev. ed.). Resilience Alliance. (2.32 Mb pdf)
- Hughes, K. & Bushell, H. (2013). A multidimensional approach to measuring resilience (Working paper). Oxfam GB.
- Mguni, N. & Bacon, N. (2010). Taking the temperature of local communities: The Wellbeing and Resilience Measure (WARM). The Young Foundation. (2.20 Mb pdf) (Summary) (656K pdf)
- Resilience assessment provides an alternative way of thinking about and practicing natural resource management.
- Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC) is an international centre for resilience and sustainability science.
- UNDP. (2014). Human development report 2014: Sustaining human progress: reducing vulnerabilities and building resilience. UNDP.
Additional Resources
- Alamgir, K. (2015). Building resilience of disaster vulnerable communities: A case study from Bangladesh. Oxfam GB.
- Asuah, A. Y., & Anokye, P. A. (2016). The resilience of mining communities in Obuasi, as Anglogold Ashanti shifts position. Journal of Poverty, Investment and Development, 22, 80-90. (Open access)
- Brinkmann, H., Harendt, C., Heinemann, F., & Nover, J. (2017). Economic resilience: A new concept for policy making? Bertelsmann Stiftung. (4.13 Mb pdf)
- Dhraief, M. Z., Dhehibi, B., Daly Hassen, H,, Zlaoui, M., Khatoui, C., Jemni, S., Jebali, O., & Rekik, M. (2019). Livelihoods strategies and household resilience to food insecurity: A case study from rural Tunisia. Sustainability, 11(3), 907. (Open access)
- FAO. (2015). Collaboration for strengthening resilience: Country case study: Kenya. FAO.
- Grannis, J., Alexander-Kearns, M., & Arroyo, V. (2015). China and US case studies: Preparing for climate change: Louisiana addressing sea-level rise. Georgetown Climate Center.
- Kaluarachchi, Y. (2018). Building community resilience in the re-settlement of displaced communities. Procedia Engineering, 212, 443-450. (Open access)
- Pangare, V. (2016). Gender equality, water and climate change adaptation in megacities. (605K pdf)
- Peters, K., Dewulf, A.-L., Barbelet, V., Benoudji, C., & Le Masson, V. (2019). Pursuing disaster risk reduction on fractured foundations: The case of Chad. ODI.
- UN Women Fiji. (2014). Why is climate change a gender issue? UN Women.