Marie Michael Library
Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding
Introduction to Community Peacebuilding
- Berghof Foundation. (2024). Peace days: Peace education workshops at schools.
- Nair, P. (2023, September 20). Actions for peace: Building belonging. Samuel Centre for Social Connectness.
- Peace Catalyst International. (2022). Getting started with community peacebuilding: Your first steps to understanding, connecting, and collaborating for community change. (983K pdf)
- Saaida, M. (2023). Local ownership and community-based approaches to peace building. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 10(10), 66-71.
COVID-19 and Peace
- Laruni, E., Toogood, K., & Holdaway, L. (2020, December). Can we build peace from a distance? The impact of COVID-19 on the peacebuilding sector (Background paper). International Alert.
- Resources provided by Saferworld, an organization working to prevent violent conflict and build safer lives.
Conflict Resolution and Communication Tools
- Morrison, L. (2016, November 7). Conflict management [Video]. Youtube. (5:05 min.)
- Additional resources
- Obomsawin, D. (2002). Elbow room [Video]. National Film Board. Film is part of the Showpeace series. (8:28 min.)
- Center for Nonviolent Communication. (2018). Key facts about nonviolent communication (NVC). Puddle Dancer Press.
- Agilevietnam. (2012, December 25). The iceberg of conflict. Agile Vietnam.
Gender and Peace
- Birkhoff, J. E. (1998, Dec 24). Gender, conflict and conflict resolution.
- Klugman, J., et al. (2020). Beijing +25: Accelerating progress for women and girls. Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security & The Rockefeller Foundation.
- de la Rey, C. & McKay, S. (2002). Peace as a gendered process: Perspectives of women doing peacebuilding in South Africa. International Journal of Peace Studies, 7(1).
- TEDWomen 2010. (2010, December). Suheir Hammad: Poems of war, peace, women, power [Video]. (5:39 min.)
Human Rights and Peace Education
- Aciro, G. L. (2016, September 30). Shaky peace in South Sudan as unity government struggles to take shape. Peace Insight.
- Black_Sparrow. (2009). History of human rights [Video]. Youtube. (9:49 min.)
- Hodzic, R. (2011). Can video stir the debate on peace and justice?. Tactics, Video for Change.
- International Center for Transitional Justice. (2009). What is transitional justice? (58K pdf)
- ISHRGlobal. (2015). Defending diversity [Video]. Youtube. (8:39 min.)
- Ramirez-Barat, C. & Duthie, R. (2015). Education and transitional justice: Opportunities and challenges for peacebuilding. International Center for Transitional Justice. (1.79 Mb pdf)
- Reardon, B. A. (2010). Human rights learning: Pedagogies and politics of peace. Keynote address presented at Conferencia Magistral 2008-2009, University of Puerto Rico. (918K pdf)
- Shuayb, M. (2015). Human rights and peace education in the Lebanese civics textbooks. Research in Comparative and International Education, 10(1), 135-150. (StFX only)
Journals – Peace
- Accord: an International Review of Peace Initiatives, issues available: 1(1996)-current.
- African Journal on Conflict Resolution, (StFX only), issues available: 1(2000)-current.
- African Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies, (StFX only), issues available: 9(2020)-current. Continues Ubuntu.
- Conflict Resolution Quarterly, (StFX only), issues available: 13:3(1996)-current.
- Conflict, Security & Development, (StFX only), issues available: 1(2001)-current.
- Journal of Conflict Resolution, (StFX only), issues available: 1(1957)-current.
- Journal of Peace Education, (StFX only), issues available: 1(2004)-current.
- Journal of Peace Research, (StFX only), issues available: 1(1964)-current.
- Peace & Change: A Journal of Peace Research, (StFX only), issues available: 21(1996)-current.
- Peace & Conflict Studies, issues available: 1(1994)-current.
- Peace Review, (StFX only), issues available: 9:1(1997)-current.
- Peace Studies Journal, issues available: 1(2008)-current.
- Peacebuilding, (StFX only), issues available: 1(2013)-current.
Local, Regional and Global Conflicts and Peacebuilding
- Bayer, M. & Pabst, A. (2016, October 10). Violent past, privileged future? Politics and entitlement in post-conflict Rwanda. Peace Insight.
- CoursesinIreland. (2013). The 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [Video]. Youtube. (28:30 min.)
- Horenczyk, G. & Tatar, M. (2004). Education in a plural society or multicultural education? The views of Israeli Arab and Jewish school counselors. Journal of Peace Education, 1(2), 191-204. (StFX only)
- Killyourtvtube. (2011). Ghana: Digital dumping ground [Video]. Youtube. (19:54 min.)
- Peace Direct. (2016, October 10). Tragedy in Beni: A crisis foretold.
- Bercovitch, J. & Kadayifci, A. (2002). Exploring the relevance and contribution of mediation to peace-building. Peace and Conflict Studies, 9(2).
- Dialogue in peacebuilding: Understanding different perspectives, Development Dialogue, issue no. 64 (2019).
- Mediate – everything mediation.
Nonviolent Peace Movements and Strategies
- Abrams, I. (1997). Heroines of peace: The nine Nobel women. The Nobel Prize.
- Abu-Nimer, M. (2001). A framework for nonviolence and peacebuilding in Islam. Journal of Law and Religion, 15, 1/2, 217-265. (StFX only)
- Coates, T.-N. (2015, April 27). Nonviolence as compliance. Politics, The Atlantic.
- The Desmond Tutu Peace Centre nurtures and develops Africa’s future leadership.
- Engler, M. & Engler, P. (2014, October 8). How did Gandhi win?. Waging Nonviolence.
- M. K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence works to realize the vision of its historic namesake.
- Zunes, S. (2005, March 31). Recognizing the power of nonviolent action.
Peace Resources
- Abani, C. (2008, February). Chris Abani at TED2008: On humanity [Video]. (16:05 min.)
- Center for Nonviolent Communication supports the learning and sharing of nonviolent communication, and helps people resolve conflicts in personal, organizational, and political settings.
- Common Dreams provides breaking news and views for the progressive community.
- Peace Insight is an online resource on local peacebuilding around the world.
- Shiva, V. (2002). Earth democracy: Ten principles of justice, sustainability and peace. Earthlight Magazine, no 47 (supp.).
Perspectives and Assumptions around Peace, Conflict and Violence
- Solnit, R. (2014, April 7). Call climate change what it is: Violence. Climate Change, The Guardian.
Security and Peace and Conflict Mapping
- Dijkema, C. (2001). Why study gender and conflict together?
- Global peace index is published by the Institute for Economics and Peace.
- Hess, R. (2012). Dr. Bogaletch Gebre: KMG Ethiopia (Global Change Leaders case study). Coady Institute. (574K pdf)
- Limo, I. (2018, May 31). What do networks of women mediators mean for mediation support in Africa?
- Porter, E. (2013). Rethinking women’s empowerment. Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, 8(1), 1-14. (StFX only)
- O’Reilly, M., Ó Súilleabháin, A., & Paffenholz, T. (2015). Reimagining peacemaking: Women’s roles in peace processes. International Peace Institute.
- O’Reilly, M. (2015). Why women? Inclusive security and peaceful societies. Inclusive Security.
- UN Women. (2015, October 8). The story of Resolution 1325: Women, peace and security [Video]. Youtube. (3:11 min.)
- UN Women. (2015). Preventing conflict, transforming justice, securing the peace: A global study on the implementation of United Nations Security Council resolution 1325.
- World Bank. (2017). Pathways for peace: Inclusive approaches to preventing violent conflict: main messages and emerging policy directions. World Bank.
Training Resources
- Inclusive Security’s resources train women peacebuilders, policymakers, and students on why women’s inclusion matters, and how to implement policies that support it.
Understanding Conflict: Conflict Analysis Tools
- Idemudia, U. (2009). The changing phases of the Niger Delta conflict: Implications for conflict escalation and the return of peace. Conflict, Security & Development, 9(3), 307-331. (StFX only)
- Lederach, J. P. (2003). Conflict transformation. Beyond Intractability. This is an abridged version of John Paul Lederach’s longer The Little Book of Conflict Transformation, published by Good Books.
United Nations
- UN Women Watch
- UN Women. (2012, July 18). Side by side – women, peace and security [Video]. Youtube. (32:44 min.)
- United Nations. (2015, October 15). 15th anniversary of Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000), on Women, Peace and Security [Video]. Youtube. (4:09 min.)
- UNESCO. (n.d.). UNESCO’s work on education for peace and non-violence: Building peace through education. UNESCO. (588K pdf)
- United Nations Security Council. (2008, June 19). Security Council demands immediate and complete halt to acts of sexual violence against civilians in conflict zones, unanimously adopting resolution 1820 (2008) [Press release].
Women, Conflict Transformation, and Peacebuilding
- de la Rey, C. & McKay, S. (2002). Peace as a gendered process: Perspectives of women doing peacebuilding in South Africa. International Journal of Peace Studies, 7(1).
- Definitions of peace
- International Alert. (n.d.). What is peace?: The five positive peace factors.
- Transcend International is a peace development environment network.
- United Nations General Assembly (1997). Request for the inclusion of a supplementary item in the agenda of the fifty-second session, August 5, A/52/191.
- THE DOMINO effect. (2016, July 20). African women: Changing the narrative – peace & security [Video]. Youtube. (8:23 min.)
- THE DOMINO effect. (2016, July 20). African women: Changing the narrative – women’s leadership [Video]. Youtube. (9:19 min.)
- Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. (2018). Defining violence and abuse.
- Institute for Economics & Peace. (2024). Positive peace report. IEP.
- TEDWomen 2010. (2010, December). Suheir Hammad: Poems of war, peace, women, power [Video]. (5:39 min.)
Additional Resources
- Alliance for Peacebuilding works to end violent conflict and sustain peace.
- Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation presents knowledge and experience for everyone working to transform violent ethnopolitical conflict.
- Church, C. & Rogers, M. (2006). Designing for results: Integrating monitoring and evaluation in conflict transformation programs. Search for Common Ground. (316K pdf)
- Government – Canada
- Gender equality: A foundation for peace: Canada’s National Action Plan, 2017-2022. (2017). Global Affairs Canada. (741K pdf)
- Government of Canada. (2017). Canada’s National Action Plan on women, peace and security 2017-2022: Theory of change.
- The Guestbook Project creates peace by exchanging stories and turning them into creative digital projects that inspire change.
- Hailin, Q. & Rhao, X. (2012). Employees’ work–family conflict moderating life and job satisfaction. Journal of Business Research, 65(1), 22-28. (StFX only)
- Peace Magazine: issues available, 1(1983)-current.
- Shiva, V. (2010, November 3). Making peace with the earth (City of Sydney Peace Prize Lecture). (238K pdf)
- Tippett, K. (2012). No more taking sides. Transcript and podcast available for download.
- UN Women: Peace and Security calls for women to participate in peacebuilding, be better protected from human rights violations, and have access to justice and services to eliminate discrimination.
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
- Webel, C., & Galtung, J. (Eds.). (2007). Handbook of peace and conflict studies. Routledge. (StFX only)
Networks and Organizations
- The African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD)
- The Albert Einstein Institution advances the study and use of strategic non-violent action in conflict.
- Canadian International Institute of Applied Negotiation (CIIAN)
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace advances cooperation between nations and promotes international engagement by the United States.
- The Corrymeela Community is committed to reconciliation in Ireland and worldwide.
- Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) – peace and conflict.
- Gender Action for Peace and Security (GAPS)
- Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC)
- Institute for Inclusive Security revolutionizes who makes decisions about war and peace.
- International Alert: Gender
- International Center on Nonviolent Conflict encourages the study and use of strategies to support human rights, democracy and justice worldwide.
- International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (IEPC) is an initiative of the World Council of Churches.
- The International Peace Bureau is the world’s oldest international peace federation, bringing together people working for peace in many different sectors.
- Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice, a women’s peacemakers program.
- The Karuna Centre for Peacebuilding offers training programs in conflict transformation, intercommunal dialogue, and reconciliation.
- NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security
- Nobel Women’s Initiative
- Nonviolent Peaceforce is a civilian peacekeeping organization that works in conflict zones.
- Peace Brigades International protects human rights and promotes nonviolent transformation of conflicts.
- Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
- Peace Research Partnership (PRP) is a consortium of three UK peacebuilding NGOs: Conciliation Resources, International Alert and Saferworld. It enhances programming and policy on conflict and security issues by the UK government and other policymakers, as well as by practitioners.
- PeaceWomen, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.
- PeaceWomen Across the Globe (PWAG)
- Scarboro Missions, Golden Rule Poster and other Multi/Inter-Faith dialogue ideas and resources.
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
- Swisspeace
- Tatamagouche Centre is an education and retreat centre which invites and challenges people from all backgrounds to personal wholeness, right relationships, respect for creation, and justice in the world.
- United States Institute of Peace
- Women, Peace and Security Network – Africa (WIPSEN-Africa)
- Women, Peace and Security Network – Canada
- Women in Security Conflict Management and Peace (WISCOMP)
- Women for Women International