December 2018
Welcome to the latest edition of The Coady Connection. We are pleased to share with you this collection of stories, accomplishments, and news from the past three months as you read you will learn about Coady’s newest course offerings, Coady graduates in the field, and share in the memories of recent events. We value your connection, support, and dedication toward Coady International Institute. Please continue to share your stories and news with us.
Alumni Profile
Lifelong Learning and the Fight for Social Justice
Coady alumna returns as Coady Chair in Social Justice
South African born Coady graduate, Sadi Motsuenyane, has more than 50 years of community development experience. Retired from the Government of South Africa as the former Chief Director of Sustainable Livelihoods with the Department of Social Development, Sadi’s community work has spanned from the historical South African apartheid system, entrenched in racial segregation, to South Africa’s current democratic model installed in 1994. Despite the advancements made through South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), she says there is still much work to do to create Nelson Mandela’s dream of a “rainbow nation”.
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Global Youth Leaders
We celebrated the graduation of 13 young leaders from 10 countries.
Fall Certificates (Round One)
We celebrated the graduation of 28 participants from 16 countries who have completed one of Coady’s three Fall Certificate courses in:
- Learning Organizations and Change
- Community-Based Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding
- Re-Thinking Partnerships
Fall Certificates (Round Two)
We celebrated the graduation of 32 participants from 16 countries who have completed one of Coady’s three Fall Certificate courses in:
- Action Research for Citizen-Led Change
- Advocacy: Increasing Citizen Voice and Agency
- Facilitation and Training Approaches for Community Change
Five-Month Journey Ends for Diploma Participants
- Learning Organizations and Change
- Community-Based Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding
- Re-Thinking Partnerships
- Action Research for Citizen-Led Change
- Advocacy: Increasing Citizen Voice and Agency
- Facilitation and Training Approaches for Community Change
- Asset-Based Community Development with Disability Leaders
- Rethinking Partnerships with Municipal Leaders Photo: Salim October
- Building Resilient Communities with Indigenous Leaders
During the 2018 fall convocation ceremony Dec. 1, St. Francis Xavier University conferred close to 300 degrees and diplomas including 41 to graduates of Coady International Institute’s Diploma in Development Leadership program. Coady graduates came from 19 countries worldwide, including the first diploma graduate from Fiji.
Coady graduate Musola Cathrine Kaseketi of Zambia delivered the address on behalf of the graduating class. She encouraged all graduates – especially her fellow Coady Institute classmates – to recall everything they have already overcome when facing inevitable challenges in their lives and careers.
“We have been empowered and provoked to make a difference,” she says. “To walk paths many have not followed, and support our communities in many different ways. That is our next step, to take that trip and go out to make a difference in our world.”
Global Graduations
More than 60 participants have graduated from Coady’s off-campus offerings over the past month.
In Kenya, participants from eight countries completed the Building on Local and Indigenous Knowledges for Community Resilience certificate, offered in partnership with COMPAS Africa Network and Institute for Culture and Ecology (ICE).
Elsewhere, participants from eight countries completed the Livelihoods and Markets certificate in Ethiopia. The Organization for Women in Self-Employment (WISE) partnered with Coady for the program.
The next off-campus program, Community-Based Microfinance for Financial Inclusion, will be offered in Ethiopia in November and India in December.

Women for Women
The Women Research Fellowship offers Coady graduates an opportunity to return to the Institute’s campus to carry out action-research and community projects connected to their work at home.
Linda Lariba Atbillia Interview
Linda Lariba Atibilla (Global Change Leaders, 2013; Livelihoods and Markets, 2018; EMPOWER) was recently interviewed by African Women’s Development Fund.
Salome Nduta Mbugua to Receive Human Rights Award
Salome Nduta Mbugua (Global Change Leaders, 2016), a Protection Officer for the National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders in Kenya will be awarded the inaugural Scottish Bar International Human Rights Award at a ceremony in Edinburg this November.
First Indigenous Female NAIGC President
The North American Indigenous Games Council elected Coady graduate Dale Tamara Plett as president – making her the first indigenous woman to hold the position.
Fr. Shaiju Chacko Returns for Fellowship
We are pleased to welcome Fr. Shaiju Chacko (Diploma in Development Leadership, 2011) as he returns to Coady International Institute to complete a Coady Fellowship over the next month.
Participant Wins at National Honey Show
Cecil Wilson is a current participant in Coady’s Diploma in Development Leadership program. He is the Country Coordinator for Universal Outreach Foundation and co-owner of Liberia Pure Honey.
Oceanpath Fellowship: Improving Menstrual Health in India
For Vali, she decided to return home and this week her social enterprise packaged their first product, aimed to help improve menstrual health in rural India.
Ave Maria in Cree
Rhonda Head is a participant in Coady’s Indigenous Women in Community Leadership program. She is an event planner, a brain tumor survivor, and a five-time international classical award-winning artist.
In Their Words: Global Change Leader Joins UN Group
A Letter: Global Change Leader Achieving Goals
“[During my] final presentation at Coady…my last remarks were…‘You will see me presenting at the UN’…Coady made me believe that I am a world citizen, that I am a woman that can [advocate] for other women, especially those behind prison bars. Today, I am part of the United Nations expert group formulating global guidelines on PMTCT [prevention of mother-to-child transmission] in correctional facilities. I make decisions. I impact my world.
I am a mother, a wife, a Coady [graduate]. I am a world change leader, and I am a woman. Nothing will stop me….”
– Faith Masupa Kalungia (Global Change Leaders, 2016)
Partnership in Vietnam
“It is an amazing group of change leaders,” says Gord Cunningham (Assistant Director, Coady International Institute).
Cultivating Networks in Ghana
Yogesh Ghore (Senior Program Staff) is in northern Ghana, where for the past week he has been meeting with Coady partners and graduates in the region.
Coffee with Coady
Family and friends created the Katherine Fleming International Development Award in loving memory of Katherine Fleming (StFX ’85), who dedicated her life to supporting the elimination of child poverty in Africa. The 19th recipient, Grace Arach, received the award at the annual StFX Homecoming: Coffee with Coady event.
Wade Davis – The Wayfinders
Former National Geographic Society Explorer-in-Residence, Wade Davis, presented The Wayfinders: Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in a Modern World Coady participants, StFX students, staff, and community members.
Sadi Motsuenyane – The Broken Claypot
Sadi Motsuenyane delivered a keynote address as the 2018 Coady Chair in Social Justice titled The Broken Clay Pot: Finding the Missing Pieces Toward Reconciliation where she reflected on post-apartheid reconciliation in South Africa.
Teaching Staff take Classroom into Community
- Asset-Based Community Development with Disability Leaders
- Rethinking Partnerships with Municipal Leaders Photo: Salim October
- Building Resilient Communities with Indigenous Leaders
Coady Supporters Making a Difference
A donation to Coady International Institute helps to empower community leaders to make a positive difference in their own communities. By supporting Coady’s transformative education programs, more leaders and organizations are being equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to address contemporary global challenges and opportunities.
Congratulations to these recent scholarship and bursary recipients.

Coffee with Coady
The annual Katherine Fleming International Development Award was created by family and friends in loving memory of Katherine Fleming, StFX ’85 alumna, who dedicated her life to helping overcome child poverty in Africa. This year marks the 33rd anniversary of...

Coady Sponsors Inaugural Award
In celebration of 100 years of the Antigonish Movement and 90 years of StFX Extension Department as well as the upcoming 60th anniversary of Coady International Institute in 2019, there can be no better time to introduce the Kay Thompson Desjardins Award for Social Entrepreneurship sponsored by Coady and presented by the Antigonish Chamber of Commerce.

Gambian participant receives Coady Family Global Bursary
The 2018 Diploma in Development Leadership participants traveled to Margaree, Cape Breton where the family of Rev. Dr. Moses Coady hosted them at the family’s homestead and the Coady Tompkins Memorial Library. During the visit, the Coady family presented...
Catholic Women’s League of Canada Scholarship
Wekha Khojne
Mpho Elizabeth Mpofu
Jaqueline Waya
Benta Anyango Bwana
Mihret Gibedo Gita
Caroline Nyakeri
Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union (NSGEU) Scholarship
Jerson Cusher
Sisters of St. Martha Scholarship
Anna Gakuhi
Scotiabank Scholarship
Betty Jose
Tecla Cicely Maria Thomas
Join the Coady Movement and donate online today.
Free Coady Webinars 
Upcoming Webinar Schedule
Please join us for an upcoming free webinar. All are welcome to attend – graduates, participants, colleagues, and community members. All you need is an internet connection. To attend a webinar, simply use this link (https://tinyurl.com/y84rd7fd) at the log in time listed below.
Note: The link will not work until it is time for the webinar to begin.
December 6, 10:00am (AST)
Coady Innovations Series
Catherine Irving, Library Assistant, Coady International Institute
December 11, 10:00am (AST)
Social Network Analysis
Eric Smith, Manager Monitering, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL), Coady International Institute
*All webinars are in Atlantic Standard Time (AST), the local time in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada. Please adjust to your own time zone to know when to log in to attend.
Missed a Webinar?
View the entire series on our YouTube Channel or log-in to your Coady Connects graduate account to join the discussion.
Nearly 8,000 Applications for 2019 Programs
November 30 marked the deadline for multiple Coady courses with more than 7,996 applications from 6,099 people. The Global Change Leaders, Diploma in Development Leadership, and Women’s Leadership in Community Development received the most applications. Student services will continue to assist in the application process while education program staff will work toward final selections. Stay tuned for more information.
The deadline for Coady’s 2019 Building Resilient Communities, Promoting Accountable Democracies, and Strengthening Inclusive Economies courses is April 26, 2019.
Learn more about Coady’s education programs at coady.stfx.ca/education
Do you have a story to share about how you are applying your learnings from Coady International Institute? If so, contact us at coadycom@stfx.ca