Marie Michael Library

Community Development

Coady Publications
ABCD Forum

Coady Publications

Readings and presentations from the forum: “From Clients to Citizens: Deepening the Practice of Asset-Based and Citizen-Led Development,” hosted by the Coady International Institute and co-sponsored by the ABCD Institute, July 7-10, 2009.

Government and Donor Perspectives on ABCD

  • Beatriz Battistella Nadas, City Hall of Curitiba, Health Secretariat, Brazil, (2009). Video
  • Tim Brodhead, McConnell Foundation, Canada, (2009). Video
  • Tom Dewar, Aspen Institute, USA, (2009). Video
  • Jim Diers, City of Seattle, USA, (2009). Video: Part 1, Part 2, and Presentation. (8.36 Mb pdf)
  • Janis Foster, Grassroots Grantmakers, USA, (2009). Video: Part 1, Part 2.
  • Katherine Gibson, Centre for Citizenship and Public Policy, University of Western Sydney, Australia, (2009). Video
  • Andy Gordon, University of Washington, USA, (2009). Video
  • Sebastian Mathews, Greater Rustenburg Foundation, South Africa, (2009). Video: Part 1, Part 2, and Presentation. (349K pdf)
  • Anselmo Mercado, South East Asia Rural Social Leadership Institute (SEARSOLIN), Philippines, (2009). Video

Global Political Openings for ABCD

  • Chris Bryant, Nova Scotia Department of Economic and Rural Development, Canada, (2009). Video: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
  • Brian Hanson, Buffett Center for International and Comparative Studies, Northwestern University, USA, (2009). Video: Part 1, Part 2.
  • Naresh Singh, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Canada, (2009). Video: Part 1, Part 2.
  • Dang Kim Son, Institute of Policy and Strategy of Agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam, (2009). Video

Other Presentations from the Forum

ABCD and Community Driven Development Resources

Appreciative Inquiry

Capacity Building

Participatory Development and Methodologies

Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

Tools And Methods For ABCD

ABCD Videos

Additional Resources
